Sunday, December 31, 2006

Adventures in Parenting and Marriage

We near the end of the year and put away all of our Christmas decorations. During this time we reflect on the amazing year that we leave behind and press into the next year ahead. The Lord created for us little Avery and brought her into our lives this year. The Lord also brought my sister a wonderful man to marry who will take care of her and love her as every husband should love his wife. I also praise Him for bringing my best friend a baby daugther as well for now we will both experince the joy of life together as new fathers. We also moved into our first house and have good jobs even if we get tired of them from time to time. It is amazing really what the Lord does for us, we should never forget the things He has done as we press forward into the year ahead to see what He has in store for us.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Avery noticed something interesting this weekend, actually it was Monday afternoon. She has hands! She was just sitting there looking them over, moving fingers and trying to figure out what they were. She also was caugth watching her feet later and could tell that by getting excited she could move her bouncy seat. It was quite a thing to watch. On Saturday at dinner I was holding her and she had one hand behind her head clutching her hair. Its cute how she is beginning to discover these small things for herself, we love to watch her make new finds of discovery.

It was a good holiday weekend and now the clean up begins and we get on toward the New Year. Of course with the New year will come questions of what we want it to look like and what we would like to accomplish throughout the year ahead. All of these are just prayers to what we would like to see. We know the Lord will be with us as He has in the years past and present. And we look forward to our little one growing more and more by the day. I have been taking pictures but have trouble getting them online right now, ill work on getting something on here soon.

Monday, December 25, 2006

There is nothing quite like a early morning bottle for baby to get you awake. Of course after it was all gone daddy knew he needed to do something about his sore throat so he raced off to walgreens at 1:20am this morning to get some pills and hopefully feel better. Avery herself has had a bit of a cold with congestion too. She is a little to young for any meds but we have to keep on eye on her. She is still a happy little one and is looking forward to seeing what Santa brought.

We spread out the Reindeer food on the front porch so they would have something to snack on while Santa eats the milk and cookies we left. Then we will see what remains. In the morning or after her next bottle in a few hours we will sit down and read the Christmas story before getting into the presents. For the moment I am busy posting in my blog while getting more bottles boiled and ready for the day. I love the holiday.

It has been a nice treat to be off this weekend and have Christmas on a Monday and me off on Tuesday anyway. I missed out on the eve family time last year with my job. That is one thing about customer service is you really cant close down and take off to much time. I enjoy the job overall but the last thing i want to do is miss out on family. Little Avery is going to grow up more each day and I intend to be watching first hand. Merry Christmas and may we all remember that manager and our Savior who came to earth in the midst of a violent world for us.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

All is cool in the midwestern front as the wind chill is still above freezing. Actually the weather is pretty nice just not nice enough to attempt making any snow creatures. That is to say I am glad I am not traveling through Colorado right about now. But here it is just cold enough to be winter outside without all the snow and rain.

We are at that weekend finally where pretty much everything happens all in the same time frame. First of course is Holl's birthday which comes two days before Christmas. We awoke to some pancakes in bed and continued on with the gifts for my love. She got a nice purple suitcase and Avery got her a framed picture that looks to adorable for words. Now we are off to do some more Christmas shopping and get things ready including wrapping the rest of our gifts. Tonight a big family dinner to celebrate her birthday.

Tommrow wil be Christmas eve and the next day Christmas so there will be much family, food, and fun gifts to hand around to all. I will let you know how all that turns out when it comes of course. I have had some computer issues but hopefully that wont stop us from getting updates. Perhaps what i really need is to invest in some web space. We shall see.

Have a Merry Christmas my friend.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Not a whole lot of time this morning but wanted to at least peek in and see what Avery is up to with those cute dancing penquins. She does seem to enjoy them quite a bit. She is getting into that hand sucking stage andenjoys giggling when shes happy. She is the cutest baby in the whole world.

We are so blessed to have her in our lives and look forward to the years ahead. This weekend her Aunt Diane is coming to visit and I am sure she looks forward to that as we do.

Monday, December 11, 2006

No one wants to sit in a dirty diaper all day long or feel the remeants of diapers past. One of the things our books told us about newborns is that they do not require a bath every day. Really? How would you feel not taking a bath or shower for a few days if it meant you sat in your own potty most of the day. I think Miss Avery deserves her bath time every night as we give it to her. We have it schedualed and it wont be changing till she gets old enough to do it herself. As we were changing her out last night I was thinking about these things and how they relate to life. I am on a constant search for live lessons to pass on to my girl.

Just like babies need to be changed often and bathed regulary so we need to be bathed in the Word of God. We may think that when we dirty up our day we can just wipe it away clean and change into some grace real quick. We almost abuse grace and forgiveness knowing there is an endless supply of it. He wants to do more than just visit with us a few moments. The Lord desires to take us into his arms and wash every area of our lives clean daily through His love and His word. He does this so that we will be clean and not remain with the stain of our daily mistakes and mess. Jesus looks forward to these times. Now Avery does not always look forward to them but its amazing to watch her as she gazes with trust into our eyes. She knows we are taking care of her and she feels it.

Well that is why I got from this weekend. Hope you had a good one yourself and I will get back with more updates later.

Friday, December 08, 2006

It has been a pretty cold and not to eventful week around here. Oh miss Avery started daycare and I guess enjoys it for the most part. Since she is only 7 weeks and one day old i am sure she doesnt care to much. She does really enjoy her mornings with us though and is very social around that time. She kicks her legs and makes all sorts of cute noises.

We are hopefully going to get some more shopping done this weekend as well as get a new tree. The tree we have now is dying a quick death and we will need a new one pretty soon. Ill try to get some time over here this weekend.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Avery discovered her tongue yesterday much to her mommy and daddy's excitment! She now enjoys sticking it out, playing with it, and blowing the ocassional bubble. She is so adorable to watch.
She has her best moments in the morning when we are getting ready for the day. This was her first day in daycare and she did pretty good according to her report card. Says she ate on demand which means our schedual is out the window there. But she did good and is now sleeping on her mommy's lap. Actually they are both asleep on the opposite couch from me, Holly laying out and Avery nestled upright on her. I couldnt imagine a more beautiful picture than that one. Baby Avery and mommy resting together. Holly had her first day back to work today so she is understandably worn out. They both need the rest while daddy tends to the bottles and other needs around the house. I will need to wake the little one for bath time before bed though.

She loves to be held and gets fussy and upset if she is put down. Her little mouth with frown and she will start stirring when she is hungry or if she is has not had enough rest. She looks like she is doing good and enjoying that new trick she is learning.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

December has arrived and we are in the midst of a snow storm event. Well actually the snow is done falling and now we are just enjoying the scene. There are about ten inches outside our house which is pretty beautiful really, as long as you dont have to drive into it. This is Avery's first snow, of course she doesnt get to enjoy it the same way as we do. I did get outside long enough to build a small snow man (which is more like a mountian with a bucket head). Also i got to shovel my car out of the driveway which only took half the day to do with my garden shovel. I even tried the rake but that didnt work as well.

Today has been Father daughter bonding day as Holly and the family went off to her sisters wedding. We missed her very much but enjoyed watching the Jurassic Park trilogy together. She is to young to know really what all the noise is about, but I can tell her someday it was her first movie marathon! Daddy is crazy. Anyway its been good and Hol should be returning home soon. The wedding was a three hour drive away and we didnt want to risk getting Avery out in the snow. We pray that this new marriage starts the Lord will be with it and bless it because if He is has to be in the marriage from the start.

In between the Dino roars we have listend to some Bible stories straight from the audio cds i have. That is a lot of fun because I love the Word and can share it with Avery and we can enjoy it together. I look forward to the days ahead where we can talk about the Lord and the wonderful things He does. My little one is trying to get my attention so I need to go. Shes so cute when she talks. Love her so much!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

My car doors were frozen shut this morning along with pretty much everything else in town. It rained hard yesterday which only turned into sleet once the weather dropped several points. Now it is supposed to get even colder and several inches of snow will be falling. Icicles were coming off out icicle lights, which was pretty neat actually. All this to say I hope we maintain power as it keeps the heat going.

I managed to make it to work of course an hour early but only because i left early to keep the slow speed on the way in. Soon enough more people will be arriving and I will get on the phone and return to my job as call center billing rep. Today i expect to get a lot of outage calls. We will soon see soon enough.

I miss my wife and daugther. We were able to get her into the same daycare her older cousin has been going to since she was born, so that was a blessing. They are back at home wondering why I went into work today. I wonder that myself, but mainly I feel if you can make it into work you should go to work. There is plenty that needs to be done and its our job to do our job. Of course i am anxious to get home to resume the job i enjoy more, being a father and husband.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

I can remember when the terms winter and cold were used regulary in a world where it only got into the 50's at the worst. Of course i was living in a very different climate back then. You had to drive to the mountians to get snow. Now it is delievered to our front door. Of course that just means you get to drive through it too. Hard to believe how cold it really can get outside.
I work in a temp controlled enviorment so stepping outside after the work day is a bit of a slap in the face with chill. I dont look to much forward to it but at least i have a beautiful wife and daugther to go home too. That is always a good thing to look forward to. Also in my drive time i listen to sermons and bible cd's. Right now I am listening to the Bible being read all the way through and am in the book of Hosea i believe. I really enjoy the Word as it is good to feed the soul and ponder on. I best get going now.
The search for a daycare is something we began a while ago of course. But now the place we want is giving us the run around saying they really are not ready till they can move a child up from where Avery would need to be and that could be the first of the year. I dont know how many times i have called them to confirm we needed a spot come Monday, but apparently that did not get through. So now we are on the search again for another place for our little one. I hate that we have to take her to a day care at all but we can trust the Lord will take care of her like He awlays does.

We prepare for the weather to get nasty cold this week starting today. It is supposed to get to the point of ice, and snow possibly. Mostly i just worry about getting around with the roads slippery as they get. We also have a wedding to drive out for this weekend too which is a good three hour drive. Hopefully the roads stay in good shape.

Our house cat Shadow will be returning home after being sent away to Holly's sisters house when Avery got here. Her sis is getting married and will be gone for a week so the little cat will have to come home. Of course we will have to keep on eye on her as she can easily get in the way of our newborn. If it werent winter i would just put her in the garage but that wont work at the moment. Ill figure something out i suppose soon.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Another great weekend with the little one. We got our lights up around the house and are busy getting the inside ready. This is our first house to decorate so we are excited. There are not to many things we can do outside though since there are no outdoor outlets. I need to get some put in before next year. We are going out for a tree tuesday and i will post a picture when the time comes. Avery is doing great and is excited as she can be about the upcoming holiday cheer. She has enjoyed family time so far and her aunt Diane will be coming out in a few weeks to make her smile even more. We need to go get our dinner from the oven and enjoy the rest of the night.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Little Avery's first moments in the leaves of fall. She did great today and it was overall a wonderful day for thanksgiving.
Avery's first thanksgiving has begun! Actually it started last night when i returned home and my wife had cooked a lovely meal for us to enjoy together. We have since we got married cooked a dinner the night before thanksgiving, and left the actual day itself to the bigger family gathering. Today we will head on out to her mema's and enjoy the afternoon meal there while perhaps watching the parade here and there.

Avery's pictures arrived we had taken a few weeks ago. She is so precious. Now we need to go get frames so we can display them on the wall. I love pictures and have already taken several hundred it would seem of just her. There will be more to come of course.

I hope that whatever you are doing for thanksgiving you have a great one. We will since we are spending it with the little one whom we are most thankful for. The Lord has blessed us greatly with her!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Seven years ago something started via one single email and I wanted to share it today. It changed both of our lives forever

Sent: Saturday, November 20, 1999 2:17 PM
Subject: HI LB Friend

Well, You don't me but I was looking on yahoo chat under interests and you had the same interest as me and I thought I should e-mail you and maybe make a newfriend. I am 18/f trying to finish mysenior year and to get ready to go to college. I will be attending next fall. TheLeft Behind Series is awsome and I how do you feelabout it?Well Hopefully you get this!God Bless, Holly

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Happy One Month Birthday baby Avery!! We will get a cupcake with a candle for her later today to celebrate :) She is so adorable.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Avery had her first long day out today going from a stamp club meeting onto the malls for some christmas shopping. It is quite an experince strolling through the mall with our little one. We are in a completly new group of people now and it seems like we notice all the strollers and little children in a different way now. Avery did good and she slept most of the day. Finally we got some ice cream and our little one got some milk of course. It has been a great day for our little one with mommy and daddy.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Three weeks and five days ago the Lord brought little Avery into this world. She is getting so much bigger each day and i am pretty sure there is some growth spurting going on here. We place her on her tummy for a nap when we are watching her so she can get a little chance to lift her head a little. We will probably go down to the store and get some more stuff for her to lay on and sit in.

Holly and i have noticed so much has changed in just the last few weeks. We are changing in so many ways and that is good. It makes us realize the importance of keeping our own relationship strong and the need to go out on a occassional date. So far we have had two nights out leaving Avery with grandma. Of course that is very hard to do and all we do is talk about her while we are off.

I also realized the other day that i need to discuss things with my wife before anything else in the way of asking people if they want to watch Avery. Also this will be important in the years ahead as we need to be on the same page when it comes to teaching our daugther right from wrong and disciplining her accordingly. Of course for the moment she is a new born so there is not much for us to teach her other then show her how much we love her every moment of the day.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Now i admit sometimes it seems like you just want to turn the baby moniter off and hide under the covers, but somehow it is always worth getting up for those precious eyes staring back at you wanting food or at least attention. She has not ceased to amaze us yet. We lay in bed with the moniter close at hand, listening to her every breath. We have grown acustom to the sound of her stiring and know when she is about to make the cry for someone to come and help her. I love her little voice.
[note: makes me wonder how attentive we are to the sound of our Lord's voice. Are we keeping a close ear on His call and message to us? Interesting since we know He is the one who is watching over us, listening for every sound and every breath.]

Bath time is getting more exciting for Avery. She actually is tolerating the whole experince these days as if she knows its coming and it will be over sooner if she just stays calm. Her little legs are getting noticably stronger as she uses her feet to push against the edge of the tub and move up. She almost was standing with very little help from me while washing her down the other day. Her little head is also getting stronger too with moments where she holds it up on her own. How amazing. We have a great shot of her smiling i will have to load on here in a little bit.

Today is finally Saturday which means we get to enjoy the day together as a family and go do some errands. I am looking forward to what is ahead and will keep you posted.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Avery had her first vote on tuesday and we got a little picture of her at the poll. She is so cute! After that we went for a walk through the park but it didnt last long since a bee starting chasing us; it must have been after her milk or something. In other news we are still on the nigthly and daily schedual of trying our best to help her sleep through as long as possible. I have do notice bathing her before bedtime does seem to help. She is an adorable 3 week old.
Now it is finally friday and I cant wait for the end of the day so i can get to the weekend and spend more time with my little one. One other thing this week has taught me is how strong my wife is and gives me a deeper love for her as i watch her take care of our little one. I could not have a better wife and mother for my daugther.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Yesterday i returned to work after being away for a good two weeks. It was a really good time to be away and spend quality time bonding with my wife and daugther. Being apart was hard but i know we have to work in order to make it through this life. My work is pretty simple really, not to much trouble, just spend much of the time talking people through their bills. It has its moments and every customer is different so can't say much else than that. It is not a long term job goal, but at least for now its giving me plenty of experince with people. Kind of odd with that first phone call after so long not having a head set on your head. You really get a jump from it.

My parents leave out today and it happens to also be my day off which works out well. It was good having them here. My dad will be having his gallbladder removed in the near future as it may be the cause of the problems he was having. While they were here they brought us a old laptop that will be soon replacing the one i am using since this one keeps crashing for no apparent reason other then the cpu is dying out. SO i had some fun trying to get the internet connections going for all the comptuers that were here over the weekend. We just about had one for every person here. Even Avery had a computer.

Avery is doing great this morning as i finally got her to get to sleep and she has had her 4.00 feeding so all is calm at the moment. She has moments where all she wants is to be held or played with. Sometimes if she looks too content we have to check on her diaper but she does good most of the time. I love my little girl and I know she is teaching me patience and endurance. If i can make it through the nightly feedings, shouldn't i be able to make it through nightly prayers with my Lord. That is something to consider since He demands attention as my God and King of my life. The difference is when I go to pray I am the one being fed from the Spirit of truth and life. I will ponder on this today.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Been a busy weekend here. We had my parents in from out of state to meet their new grandaugther! Of course they love her like crazy and will be here for two more days. Though my dad had a run in with his pancrease and is in the hospital in town to have it checked out. He has been there since last night and will be home in the morning once they run some tests to see if it might be a gallbladder caused problem. Crazy weekend.

Little Avery is here doing a little crying now that i have sat down to the computer. My little girl thinks that daddy needs to put the computer down so she can be taken care of. Its part of her personal time she loves. She is so adorable. More on this later...

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Having trouble getting pictures to load today but that is alright. I wanted to just stop in and say hello. Things are going well here with baby and all. We kept her up more today and at the moment she is doing well sleeping, the only problem is daddy is having trouble getting to sleep. I think its more mental thinking she will wake up at any time and need feed. For now i just wait on her. She is so darling and still teaching mommy about life and the love of God. Avery is seeing everything through the eyes of innocence and her love is unconditional. Of course she is born into sinful humanity and all that but the love she has for people goes beyond anything. Quite the wonder. We have the grandparents from out of town over this weekend to visit with their new grandaugther so that is fun. Looks like it will be an enjoyable time before i head back into work next week.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick or treat, the trick is to get a changing without being wet down. Of course it does help to get the new diaper on before the new outfit. This one is special for today as it is baby's first halloween. Should be fun carving the pumpkin today, though im not sure she will care much for it.
Either way she is a cute sweet heart isnt she. Mommy and daddy are getting used to her morning and nightly feedings and on a good night can get three hours of sleep in a row. Not to bad some nights are worse. Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Avery went out for her first stroll this afternoon which was a quick walk around the block but at least she was bundled up to much to even notice. Her nice hat slipped down over her eyes once in a while. This might be the last of the nice days before winter kicks in then she will be nice and bundled inside. Shes doing great, keeping mommy and daddy busy all night long and then sleeping most of the day. Need to work on that.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Its great knowing when I am up changing my little one at 1am or feeding her at 11am that my best friend Jon out in California is doing the same thing for his own new little one. We met in highschool and have been bestfriends ever since then. We got married within a few months of each other and now have had our first babies within days of each other. His daugther and mine will hear about the Lord and how to put trust in His name and love. I know out of all the children born in this world these two are greatle blessed and loved.

Little Avery enjoys her life of feeding and changing and not so sure she enjoys bath time. The only thing she likes is when we scrub down her head must be something about the massaging. Well i need to get off to check on pictures.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The joy of being a daddy means i have a new life to take care of and someone new who is completly dependent on me for her wellbeing. It is an amazing thing to watch her grow even hour by hour. She passed her first doctor appt today with flying colors. (Ever notice that in the story of Noah and the Ark he was the first ever to really get through with flying colors in the sense of the rainbow in the sky). Maybe i have been up to much, actually we are trying the shift thing out as much as possible and keeping Avery close and watching her sleep. She is so adorable. I look forward to the days ahead as i press on to be the best daddy and husband i can be.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Avery declined any comment on how she enjoyed her nights sleep in her new crib. We think it was just the light from the camera but either way doesn't she look too adorable for words. Mommy and daddy enjoy their new bundle of fun inbetween feeding, changing, and burping. She actually does let us get a few minutes of sleep if we are good, but not much more.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Little Avery is home at last with her mommy and daddy snug in her new little world. There is so much excitment and wonder about today. The air has never been as sweet nor the sun so bright. What a day, now we are home and trying to figure out what to do next :) Change, sleep, feed, pretty much that is her schedual for a while. Sounds like fun!

Monday, October 23, 2006

She knows her daddy and mommy love her. This is me feeding my rosebud and enjoying every drop.
The greatest few minutes of Hollys mommy life. She got to hold our little rosebud last night for a feeding which Avery was too tired to actually do any feeding. But there is our little girl sleeping soundly with her oxygen tube in her nose just in case she needs it. The doctor says she might be able to come home friday but we just have to wait and see as she needs to make sure all is well before she can head home. But at least we are close and can be with her.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Little Avery Diane Bowlby born at 11:39am Oct 19, 7lbs and 15oz. 20 and 3/4 inches long. She has beautiful dark brown hair. She has her daddys eyes and her mommys face. She is so beautiful and we love her so much already. We do need your prayers her now. She came out and had a little problem with asparating some blood into her lungs. She is now in the nicu. They are taking really good care of her there but please pray for her as she has to be given oxyegen and has other stuff to help her keep feed. At the moment we just got home from the hospital for the moment to grab some dinner at Hollys moms house. They told us we are discharged but we can still stay in one of the rooms they set aside as a transition room. So we will be going back to the hospital tonight. Avery is still in critical condition in the neo natel unit but is under very good care, the best in the state. She is on oxygen still about 25% at last check. Her main problem is high respiration which just means her lungs are in pain from her initial asperation and they are trying to get better. When she is asleep she is calmer so that is good cause it means she can heal. She speant a while holding my hand fingers and Hollys as well. She knows our voices and crys like a banshee but she is adorable as ever. She looks so much like holly and has my eyes, she just takes our breath away. I cant wait to get pictures to you all. Hollys work is going to get us a room at a hotel near the hospital until Avery gets to come home so that we can be near her. Its still a moment by moment thing so keep praying for her. She also has beautiful dark brown hair as well and is the most cutest baby in the world!

Thank you for your prayers and I will update you more later

David, Holly and Avery

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

With the final snap in place the last of the needed baby items is complete. We now have the pack and play together which is a play pen\changing table\bassinett all in one. Pretty neat item too. Along with the other things we already have. Now we just awaite baby and hope to get through today as quick as possible. Of course there will be much excitment tommorw.
Todays word from the Bible i read was Psalm 17:18, "Keep me as the apple of the eye;
Hide me in the shadow of Your wings"
The Psalmist knew what it meant to cherish something with absolute devotion and love. Within the midst of this love there is protection and security. This verse speaks to the awesome presence of the Lord and how He sees His children. Perhaps I will understand even more when I first hold onto my new baby girl and look into her eyes. From that moment on, if not already, she will be the apple of my eye. There would be nothing I would not do to show my love and to protect her. It is the same kind of feeling you have when getting married but so much more intense and powerful as well. Realize something beloved, the Lord loves each one of us in this way and even more. He holds us like a Father holding onto a new baby. He keeps us as the apple of His eye forever.

I look forward to that as does my wife and truly this is a gift from God and to Him be the glory for this new creation and thanks for allowing us to have her in our lives.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Last week i spent a day reorganizing my garage seeing as how we were not able to get a car into it. When we moved in back in May the weather was very hot so i had never been able to get everything put up into the attic properly. Now that we have that taken care of i can get a car in without a problem. We also have four shelves full of books, mostly from my college days. Kind of nice to have all of it at once place incase i need to find a book. Of course i still have two more shelves ready for books to come.

This week is cleanup time as we make the last minute steps toward a new baby in this house. Of course there is much to do but much that has already been done. I look forward to the moment when i first hear her little sounds and see her face looking up at me. I can't wait. Of course its just another 48 hours or so depending on when she would like to come out and say hello to the world. We have had her name picked out for over a year now. Avery... it is a beautiful name.
Well i better get on with my day so i get make it hurry along. I will let you know how everything goes!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

This is my last weekend before Avery's birthday and the nesting has really kicked in. Suddenly we are struck with this amazing realization that we are going to be parents now and all of the ideas and theories we had will be out the window on how to parent. Learning from day one will be the key and of course our little one will give us a lot to learn. We just can't wait as you can tell. We keep thinking she will come before her due date, or induction day i should say. But i think she is pretty content where she is at. We have just been doing some house maintaince today getting last minute things ready. There is still much to do but i can get some stuff done on my day off this week as we prepare for her arrival. Wow what a thought. You know it has been about seven years since my wife and I first met. Actually it was through an email.

In November of 1999 Holly sent me an email because she sound my name through a Yahoo friends search. I think I was the only boy around her age and we had the common interest of both liking the Left Behind Novels. We got into the emailing and chatting online back and forth and finally met in December of 2000 in person. Of course i did ask her out first back in August of that same year. After several trips back and forth I asked her to marry me in December of 2001. Then after even more trips around to see each other we were married in June of 2003. Now here we are in Oct of 2006 and our little Avery is going to be born to us any moment. So madly in love with my wife and so ready to be a Father. I pray the Lord will give us strength and wisdom in all the areas we need as we press ahead.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Our doctor set the date for Thursday for Avery to be born, so unless she wants to come out on her own that will be her birthday. We will soon see and are very excited as well about it. Nothing much new in the way of waiting we will continue to go to work and enjoy the weekend, possibly clean up and get ready for what is ahead. I heard the best place to get diapers is at Sams Club so that will be a good plan. Waiting is not easy, but we have been waiting far more than 39 weeks so a few more days should be just fine. Our little one is stubborn just like her daddy. Cant wait to meet her.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Having a day off for once is actually very rewarding. This one was spent trying to get the car in the garage, or to be more clear, getting the doors open so someone can get into the car while in the garage. We moved into this house back in May and have a one car garage (one thing to avoid in future house plans). I finally have a schedule which allows me a day off during the week and it is also much cooler then it was during the summer so I could get some work done in the garage. I was able to move much of the junk and other boxes of stuff into the attic portion which is easy to get to. I moved on inside to do some much needed cleaning and did not accomplish to much before it was dinner time and Hol came home. I did however learn a easy way to clean up the kitty litter which my youngest cat seems to manage to get everywhere but in the box. I simply swept all of it into a pile and soaked it down with water, then I took a towel and it all came up right away. Now while doing this I realized that idea must have come from God because He always teaches us that He is the water of life. As the water comes into our lives we are to unite with our brothers and sisters to form a closer bond in the Church. It was an interesting thought either way.

As for tonight Holly has had some serious back pain and contractions that are at least 8 or so minutes when she can tell through the pain that they are there. So we will wait this out and see what is to come. I will be letting you know...

This is our little nursery waiting and ready for our baby to be born!
If you had known me six years ago then you would wonder why this is my first appearance in a blog. I say this because much of my time was spent on computers growing up and as the internet over our daily lives I was very much involved. Message boards are where I spent much of highschool and just a little bit of college. Then I got married and moved far away from the life of busy message boards and computers, though you will still find us around from time to time. Now Holly and I have become busy with new adventures of our own including buying a new house back in May and having a new baby who is due any day now! Because we are getting into some new adventures I thought it would be best to remember how much fun it is to share life with others and get online again. Sadly my front page software is missing so I cannot work on my web page, but the blog is still a good spot since most of what we like to do around here is talk. So hopefully as this thing gets off the ground you will come by often and see how things are going with us.