Saturday, July 31, 2010

Week 31 and the melting summer heat

No suprise the pool water is about hot enough to cook an egg. In the midst of the summer heat and rising tempatures we enter the 31st week of pregnancy. The adventure has not been without its trials though as we did have a hospital stay this past week. At some point wednesday morning there was enough cramping and contractions to get us to the hospital to be checked. Stayed the night in Labor and Delivery watching the babies heart rates. Was pretty fun to hear the little ones moving around and all. Enjoyed the rooms bathtub though, the chair i slept in needed some help however.

Today is July 31st and the beginning of the 31st week of pregancy. At this point we are just counting each day as a blessing as every day is a day of growth for the little ones. They need to keep in mommy so they can build all the necessary body fat and strength to enter the world. God knows, and has His hand in their lives. He is in full control as crazy as it feels right now.

August will be here soon and its going to be a hot month to end the summer. I know how fast time goes, and soon enough the babies will be here. I just pray they do not come too early so they wont have to stay in the hospital too long. Praise the Lord for both little Erin and Kenneth. We are blessed and excited. A tad nervous too. Avery will be a load of help though with the little ones, she is going to make a great big sister. We are all home now and hopefully wont return to the hospital till we have to! We wait anxiously for the moment, but know there is much to do before they arrive.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Overwelming flow of life

Here we are at the beginning of 29 weeks now in the pregancy with our adorable little twins. Seems like they could really be here at any moment. The doctor said he hopes to have them by labor day, if they can stay in there for another few weeks! Seems like that will be here before we know it, then our entire lives will be turned upside down.

My dad and sister Diane drove here from California last Tuesday, and are staying till Wednesday. So its been a tremendous time spending with them, and enjoying some of my family from Cali. They are not too fond of the heat though, neither have i ever been but you do get used to it after a while. Along with them came several bags full of baby clothes my other sister Laurie was done with using for her twin boys. So the last couple days have been spent going through clothes both those and Avery's old ones. We have them divided up now by age groups and put aside ready to go.

Avery loves having her Aunt Diane here. It is her favoraite time of year when she gets to see Diane. She has a pool time buddy now too which is great, when the pool is cool anyway. Keeping it cool in the Oklahoma weather can be a challendge. Avery is ready for her baby brother and sister to be here, im sure she is impatient as every. She has shown a lot of good practice on her little cousin Emery though. She will be ready, its just important she knows mommy and daddy cannot do this without her. And she will need to be our little helper!

Always makes me a little homesick for California when i see family. Somewhere along the line i would like to move back closer to the west coast. But they are talking about moving up to Orgeon possibly after 5 years, so we might just wait. No sense in moving twice. Might give us some time to get the little ones grown a little more. Avery will be almost ten! Yikes. The Lord knows, He has us here for His reasons and we can trust Him. Praise be to the Lord who brings each new day of grace to us. Ever flowing with His love.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Fire Works!

Was a wonderful Fourth of July celebrationwe had this weekend. Seems like the whole time went too fast though. Of course we had way to many fireworks than we really need, but every bit of them was fun. Next year our little ones will be so small, they might not like them as much. Avery is at the age where keeping her away from the area while setting them off is hard enough. But thats what sparklers, snaps, and poppers are for.

We had a cook out and friends for Church over. All in all a great night of fireworks and fun. Now today is another day off, and its pretty much just a lazy day. Stil so much to do as we prepare for our little babies.

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Hey those things come with diaper bags honey

Anyone who knows me is going to know I love my little niece Madison like crazy, and my newest little niece is also growing on me as well, her name is Emery. Madison is getting so much older so quick these days, but since she was born in 99' i have known her pretty much her entire life. Emery was just born last Feb so shes pretty fresh and also very much a infant still. Infants who come with diaper bags, most of the time.

Yesterday was the first time we have been asked to pick little Emey up a daycare, which of course we do not mind doing. We have picked Madison up many times when she was little, and Avery gets picked up by grandma aka mimi, so we were willing to go for it. Emery is the daugther of Elizabeth, Pam's youngest daugther, and Holly's sister. So Uncle Dave went to get the baby and they did not give a diaper bag to send home with her. Emery gave me a huge smile when she saw me, she just knows her Uncle David loves her. So when i got home of course Holly took a look at the baby and smiled, then at me and said, "hey honey where is the diaper bag. These things come with diaper bags?" Yeah well they didnt give me one so i had to head back. Hard to imagine i would forget such a thing. But you know what, i have a lot in store of me with twins coming. Much to prepare for ahead.

Fireworks were purchased last night for a fun display time this evening in our yard, providing it quicks raining soon. Otherwise we will still have some fun. I am looking foward mostly to my sister and dad coming out to visit.

We will need two of pretty much everything with twins. One diaper bag will do, but its going to be a good little backpack system to carry along on our outings. Otherwise two cribs which we just bought. And we still need several things to do along with them for the babies. Someone gave us a nice diaper bag as a gift so that was awesome.

Friday, July 02, 2010

27th week has begun

Happy Independence Day as it really should be, its not really the fourth after all. But since the whole thing was finailized on the 4th, we will celebrate on Sunday along with everyone else. This whole year has been kind of a hit and miss with the holiday's. Seeing as how Holly's pregancy began before Valentines day. She was barely out of the hospital for a day before Easter, and everthing else has been kind of slow. But that is the case with bed rest, you have to be careful and take it easy.

Now we are moving into the 27th week of pregancy with our little twin twinkies. Hard to believe its really July! Though with the heat outside i can believe it more, reminds me i need to go clean the pool. Holly and her twin sister were born at 27 weeks, i just hope these two do not follow into that pattern. We want healthy babies as everyone does. Though no matter what the Lord has His hand in their lives and is watching over all little babies always.

We had a ultrasound appointment today and disovered one is behind the other, and also has his little head a little down. So hopefully they hang in there for another month. Still just keeping the bed rest going. As it is for now, going to enjoy the weekend, maybe shoot off some fireworks, and have some good family time.