Adventures in Parenting and Marriage
We near the end of the year and put away all of our Christmas decorations. During this time we reflect on the amazing year that we leave behind and press into the next year ahead. The Lord created for us little Avery and brought her into our lives this year. The Lord also brought my sister a wonderful man to marry who will take care of her and love her as every husband should love his wife. I also praise Him for bringing my best friend a baby daugther as well for now we will both experince the joy of life together as new fathers. We also moved into our first house and have good jobs even if we get tired of them from time to time. It is amazing really what the Lord does for us, we should never forget the things He has done as we press forward into the year ahead to see what He has in store for us.
As a husband, father, and teacher I feel there is a lot to be said about reflecting on life's experiences. Through reflection we gain wisdom and growth. Keeping a journal and a blog are two ways I get to reflect and share insights and life with everyone.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Avery noticed something interesting this weekend, actually it was Monday afternoon. She has hands! She was just sitting there looking them over, moving fingers and trying to figure out what they were. She also was caugth watching her feet later and could tell that by getting excited she could move her bouncy seat. It was quite a thing to watch. On Saturday at dinner I was holding her and she had one hand behind her head clutching her hair. Its cute how she is beginning to discover these small things for herself, we love to watch her make new finds of discovery.
It was a good holiday weekend and now the clean up begins and we get on toward the New Year. Of course with the New year will come questions of what we want it to look like and what we would like to accomplish throughout the year ahead. All of these are just prayers to what we would like to see. We know the Lord will be with us as He has in the years past and present. And we look forward to our little one growing more and more by the day. I have been taking pictures but have trouble getting them online right now, ill work on getting something on here soon.
It was a good holiday weekend and now the clean up begins and we get on toward the New Year. Of course with the New year will come questions of what we want it to look like and what we would like to accomplish throughout the year ahead. All of these are just prayers to what we would like to see. We know the Lord will be with us as He has in the years past and present. And we look forward to our little one growing more and more by the day. I have been taking pictures but have trouble getting them online right now, ill work on getting something on here soon.
Monday, December 25, 2006
There is nothing quite like a early morning bottle for baby to get you awake. Of course after it was all gone daddy knew he needed to do something about his sore throat so he raced off to walgreens at 1:20am this morning to get some pills and hopefully feel better. Avery herself has had a bit of a cold with congestion too. She is a little to young for any meds but we have to keep on eye on her. She is still a happy little one and is looking forward to seeing what Santa brought.
We spread out the Reindeer food on the front porch so they would have something to snack on while Santa eats the milk and cookies we left. Then we will see what remains. In the morning or after her next bottle in a few hours we will sit down and read the Christmas story before getting into the presents. For the moment I am busy posting in my blog while getting more bottles boiled and ready for the day. I love the holiday.
It has been a nice treat to be off this weekend and have Christmas on a Monday and me off on Tuesday anyway. I missed out on the eve family time last year with my job. That is one thing about customer service is you really cant close down and take off to much time. I enjoy the job overall but the last thing i want to do is miss out on family. Little Avery is going to grow up more each day and I intend to be watching first hand. Merry Christmas and may we all remember that manager and our Savior who came to earth in the midst of a violent world for us.
We spread out the Reindeer food on the front porch so they would have something to snack on while Santa eats the milk and cookies we left. Then we will see what remains. In the morning or after her next bottle in a few hours we will sit down and read the Christmas story before getting into the presents. For the moment I am busy posting in my blog while getting more bottles boiled and ready for the day. I love the holiday.
It has been a nice treat to be off this weekend and have Christmas on a Monday and me off on Tuesday anyway. I missed out on the eve family time last year with my job. That is one thing about customer service is you really cant close down and take off to much time. I enjoy the job overall but the last thing i want to do is miss out on family. Little Avery is going to grow up more each day and I intend to be watching first hand. Merry Christmas and may we all remember that manager and our Savior who came to earth in the midst of a violent world for us.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
All is cool in the midwestern front as the wind chill is still above freezing. Actually the weather is pretty nice just not nice enough to attempt making any snow creatures. That is to say I am glad I am not traveling through Colorado right about now. But here it is just cold enough to be winter outside without all the snow and rain.
We are at that weekend finally where pretty much everything happens all in the same time frame. First of course is Holl's birthday which comes two days before Christmas. We awoke to some pancakes in bed and continued on with the gifts for my love. She got a nice purple suitcase and Avery got her a framed picture that looks to adorable for words. Now we are off to do some more Christmas shopping and get things ready including wrapping the rest of our gifts. Tonight a big family dinner to celebrate her birthday.
Tommrow wil be Christmas eve and the next day Christmas so there will be much family, food, and fun gifts to hand around to all. I will let you know how all that turns out when it comes of course. I have had some computer issues but hopefully that wont stop us from getting updates. Perhaps what i really need is to invest in some web space. We shall see.
Have a Merry Christmas my friend.
We are at that weekend finally where pretty much everything happens all in the same time frame. First of course is Holl's birthday which comes two days before Christmas. We awoke to some pancakes in bed and continued on with the gifts for my love. She got a nice purple suitcase and Avery got her a framed picture that looks to adorable for words. Now we are off to do some more Christmas shopping and get things ready including wrapping the rest of our gifts. Tonight a big family dinner to celebrate her birthday.
Tommrow wil be Christmas eve and the next day Christmas so there will be much family, food, and fun gifts to hand around to all. I will let you know how all that turns out when it comes of course. I have had some computer issues but hopefully that wont stop us from getting updates. Perhaps what i really need is to invest in some web space. We shall see.
Have a Merry Christmas my friend.
Friday, December 15, 2006

Not a whole lot of time this morning but wanted to at least peek in and see what Avery is up to with those cute dancing penquins. She does seem to enjoy them quite a bit. She is getting into that hand sucking stage andenjoys giggling when shes happy. She is the cutest baby in the whole world.
We are so blessed to have her in our lives and look forward to the years ahead. This weekend her Aunt Diane is coming to visit and I am sure she looks forward to that as we do.
Monday, December 11, 2006
No one wants to sit in a dirty diaper all day long or feel the remeants of diapers past. One of the things our books told us about newborns is that they do not require a bath every day. Really? How would you feel not taking a bath or shower for a few days if it meant you sat in your own potty most of the day. I think Miss Avery deserves her bath time every night as we give it to her. We have it schedualed and it wont be changing till she gets old enough to do it herself. As we were changing her out last night I was thinking about these things and how they relate to life. I am on a constant search for live lessons to pass on to my girl.
Just like babies need to be changed often and bathed regulary so we need to be bathed in the Word of God. We may think that when we dirty up our day we can just wipe it away clean and change into some grace real quick. We almost abuse grace and forgiveness knowing there is an endless supply of it. He wants to do more than just visit with us a few moments. The Lord desires to take us into his arms and wash every area of our lives clean daily through His love and His word. He does this so that we will be clean and not remain with the stain of our daily mistakes and mess. Jesus looks forward to these times. Now Avery does not always look forward to them but its amazing to watch her as she gazes with trust into our eyes. She knows we are taking care of her and she feels it.
Well that is why I got from this weekend. Hope you had a good one yourself and I will get back with more updates later.
Just like babies need to be changed often and bathed regulary so we need to be bathed in the Word of God. We may think that when we dirty up our day we can just wipe it away clean and change into some grace real quick. We almost abuse grace and forgiveness knowing there is an endless supply of it. He wants to do more than just visit with us a few moments. The Lord desires to take us into his arms and wash every area of our lives clean daily through His love and His word. He does this so that we will be clean and not remain with the stain of our daily mistakes and mess. Jesus looks forward to these times. Now Avery does not always look forward to them but its amazing to watch her as she gazes with trust into our eyes. She knows we are taking care of her and she feels it.
Well that is why I got from this weekend. Hope you had a good one yourself and I will get back with more updates later.
Friday, December 08, 2006
It has been a pretty cold and not to eventful week around here. Oh miss Avery started daycare and I guess enjoys it for the most part. Since she is only 7 weeks and one day old i am sure she doesnt care to much. She does really enjoy her mornings with us though and is very social around that time. She kicks her legs and makes all sorts of cute noises.
We are hopefully going to get some more shopping done this weekend as well as get a new tree. The tree we have now is dying a quick death and we will need a new one pretty soon. Ill try to get some time over here this weekend.
We are hopefully going to get some more shopping done this weekend as well as get a new tree. The tree we have now is dying a quick death and we will need a new one pretty soon. Ill try to get some time over here this weekend.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Avery discovered her tongue yesterday much to her mommy and daddy's excitment! She now enjoys sticking it out, playing with it, and blowing the ocassional bubble. She is so adorable to watch.
She has her best moments in the morning when we are getting ready for the day. This was her first day in daycare and she did pretty good according to her report card. Says she ate on demand which means our schedual is out the window there. But she did good and is now sleeping on her mommy's lap. Actually they are both asleep on the opposite couch from me, Holly laying out and Avery nestled upright on her. I couldnt imagine a more beautiful picture than that one. Baby Avery and mommy resting together. Holly had her first day back to work today so she is understandably worn out. They both need the rest while daddy tends to the bottles and other needs around the house. I will need to wake the little one for bath time before bed though.
She loves to be held and gets fussy and upset if she is put down. Her little mouth with frown and she will start stirring when she is hungry or if she is has not had enough rest. She looks like she is doing good and enjoying that new trick she is learning.
She has her best moments in the morning when we are getting ready for the day. This was her first day in daycare and she did pretty good according to her report card. Says she ate on demand which means our schedual is out the window there. But she did good and is now sleeping on her mommy's lap. Actually they are both asleep on the opposite couch from me, Holly laying out and Avery nestled upright on her. I couldnt imagine a more beautiful picture than that one. Baby Avery and mommy resting together. Holly had her first day back to work today so she is understandably worn out. They both need the rest while daddy tends to the bottles and other needs around the house. I will need to wake the little one for bath time before bed though.
She loves to be held and gets fussy and upset if she is put down. Her little mouth with frown and she will start stirring when she is hungry or if she is has not had enough rest. She looks like she is doing good and enjoying that new trick she is learning.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
December has arrived and we are in the midst of a snow storm event. Well actually the snow is done falling and now we are just enjoying the scene. There are about ten inches outside our house which is pretty beautiful really, as long as you dont have to drive into it. This is Avery's first snow, of course she doesnt get to enjoy it the same way as we do. I did get outside long enough to build a small snow man (which is more like a mountian with a bucket head). Also i got to shovel my car out of the driveway which only took half the day to do with my garden shovel. I even tried the rake but that didnt work as well.
Today has been Father daughter bonding day as Holly and the family went off to her sisters wedding. We missed her very much but enjoyed watching the Jurassic Park trilogy together. She is to young to know really what all the noise is about, but I can tell her someday it was her first movie marathon! Daddy is crazy. Anyway its been good and Hol should be returning home soon. The wedding was a three hour drive away and we didnt want to risk getting Avery out in the snow. We pray that this new marriage starts the Lord will be with it and bless it because if He is has to be in the marriage from the start.
In between the Dino roars we have listend to some Bible stories straight from the audio cds i have. That is a lot of fun because I love the Word and can share it with Avery and we can enjoy it together. I look forward to the days ahead where we can talk about the Lord and the wonderful things He does. My little one is trying to get my attention so I need to go. Shes so cute when she talks. Love her so much!
Today has been Father daughter bonding day as Holly and the family went off to her sisters wedding. We missed her very much but enjoyed watching the Jurassic Park trilogy together. She is to young to know really what all the noise is about, but I can tell her someday it was her first movie marathon! Daddy is crazy. Anyway its been good and Hol should be returning home soon. The wedding was a three hour drive away and we didnt want to risk getting Avery out in the snow. We pray that this new marriage starts the Lord will be with it and bless it because if He is has to be in the marriage from the start.
In between the Dino roars we have listend to some Bible stories straight from the audio cds i have. That is a lot of fun because I love the Word and can share it with Avery and we can enjoy it together. I look forward to the days ahead where we can talk about the Lord and the wonderful things He does. My little one is trying to get my attention so I need to go. Shes so cute when she talks. Love her so much!
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