As a husband, father, and teacher I feel there is a lot to be said about reflecting on life's experiences. Through reflection we gain wisdom and growth. Keeping a journal and a blog are two ways I get to reflect and share insights and life with everyone.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
We came home and watched Transformers and then went to dinner at a new barbeque place at the mall. Pastor Danny mentions it alot so now i know what he is talking about in her Sermons when it comes up. We are going to church later this morning though he wont be there, still should be good to visit Water of Life. Its been a while since we have been and i always enjoy going to my home church.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
last night Holly and I went to see the new National Treasure: Book of secerts. It was good and we enjoyed it. I like anything that takes me into the History books of our country or any history for that matter. It is my favorite subject next to Literature. Anyway the mountians here are breath taking during the winter, its still pretty cold but at least i dont have to worry about ice or snow. Rain maybe, but havent seen any of that yet either.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
We went over to Hollys moms after we got through out presents and packed for our trip a little. There were presents to open and given there. Avery of course got a lot of fun stuff to play with and wear. Then we went home and got ready to take our plane trip to California.
Avery did pretty good on the plane for the most part, no major crying. We did have to expend some of her enegery by letting her roam around the airport, with daddy of course. But it was a good direct flight. Flying on Christmas isnt to bad. We arrived last night and ate some waffles and eggs my dad made. Aunt Laurie and Uncle Jason were there as well as Aunt Diane and her dog Tasha. We gathered around the tree and opened gifts.
One tradition my parents started is the code word tags which means we dont right actual names more like titles for each person. Like if the gift is for Holly from me it would say to Honda Lover from Toyota boy. Or something like that. Its fun. Avery was very tired by this time but enjoyed the presents and helped unwrap a little bit. Finally she fell asleep in grandpa's arms.
Now its the next morning and i just got done enjoying a nice hot bath in my parents wonderfully deep tub. Just wanted to update things. It is good to have family around during the holidays, and good to see those you have not seen in a while. I look forward to the week ahead and seeing Jon and his family too.
Monday, December 24, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007
We took Avery out last night with the Erwin family to the college light display. That was a great deal of fun just seeing all the lights. Its sad with the tree damage that parts were closed, but that is all due to the weather. Its just so good to have power and heat in the house now. Last night we came home and the cable, ph, and internet services were back up and running, we were of course very thrilled about that. I had left the channel on the Christian music station with the tv off but the sound box on so it was neat to walk into the house with worship music.
Speaking of worship we tried out a new church this past sunday that reminds me of a small Water of Life from back in California. The worship was good with a lot of songs by Chris Tomlin and some others. We will go back this Sunday which is also Hollys birthday. Hard to believe how fast the time goes, just sitting here looking at pictures from last year. And here we are at Christmas again. Last Saturday we went to eat at Mazzios with Hollys dad and stepmom to celebrate their birthdays along with Holly and Nicoles birthday. Today we are going out to Grannys house for a Christmas celebration and birthday as well. Should be good.
I praise the Lord for all He has done this holiday season. Even in the midst of the storm we had through here there was provision for our daily needs. Never once did i feel like he was not present with us. This has been a good Christmas even with all the bad weather and falling trees.
Our yard looks like a war zone. Granddady and Mema came out Thursday and helped me get the tree off the main line outside. We still have a lot of tree work that needs to be done out there. But some of that might have to wait till after the holiday. For that matter they expect it might snow again today. I look forward to what is ahead.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
This morning we went and saw Santa Clause, Avery didnt enjoy that to much. Then we went and bought a new dining room table with four chairs and a bench that matches along with it. Its our gift to each other this year. I am excited about it and it will give us more room to have people over for dinner.
All other events are just moving along and we still must remember the real reason for this season. Our Lord Jesus in all of His glory came down in the humble state of a baby and was born in a small town, in a barn. He came to bring us hope and salvation. How wonderful.