Another night another class. This week seems to be going pretty well thus far. I know the Lord has been in control and very good at all times. Even when things are hard He is there. He holds great blessings for those who trust in Him. I look forward to getting home every day to my girls and my home. It may not be the home of my dreams, but I love my wonderful family and enjoy every moment I get to see them.
Valentines day is approaching soon, still thinking about gift ideas. We are going to a Casting Crowns concert the week before which should be fun. Hopefully the weather is not too bad by then. Right now they are saying a ice storm will be coming through this weekend. Never looking forward to that madness. So tired, i hope the night does not go much longer, I look forward to getting home to a hot bubble bath!
As a husband, father, and teacher I feel there is a lot to be said about reflecting on life's experiences. Through reflection we gain wisdom and growth. Keeping a journal and a blog are two ways I get to reflect and share insights and life with everyone.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Trouble with school is you never know where its going to lead you. This is the case for my second time around at college life. Much like the first it involves a lot of hard work and dedication to the task. And i do enjoy the study, though it is as far from the Biblical studies at Life as i could imagine getting. ITT technical institute. So here I am ready to learn all i can about computer networking systems. Not sure if this will help my future goals and plans, and I kind of feel like i should have started sooner. Just was not sure what i wanted to do i suppose. Every other cater gory seemed pretty good, but I have a good time on computers and enjoy the inter workings. One thing is for sure the last thing i want is a call center job again, so free from that and happy to be... sometimes. Not the point now though.
Tonight i sit here for week five of Standards and Protocols of networks. Not such a bad class, the teacher is pretty good. And i cant argue with once a week. I hardly see how people can afford more than one class at a time. Still i guess they get aid... as for me i would rather avoid it when possible. I have to remind myself I am here because my BA in Pastoral Ministry has yielded zero job opportunities. As much as i long for the chance to be a Pastor or assistant to one, it must wait. I must give over my desires to the Lord.
I miss seeing my darling daugter but I know she will be awake and eager to see me when i get home. And its good for her and mommy to have some bonding time without me anyway, doesn't hurt. I am praying and hoping we will have some more little ones soon. We just have to trust the Lord on this, and hold fast in confidence. Then i will really be scrambling to find income supplements . But maybe by then things will be better at work, a night job might have to happen, but hey lots of people do it.
So on for another long night of studying and network stuff ahead. Tired and really not in the mood, but its school so I dont know if i ever would be.
Tonight i sit here for week five of Standards and Protocols of networks. Not such a bad class, the teacher is pretty good. And i cant argue with once a week. I hardly see how people can afford more than one class at a time. Still i guess they get aid... as for me i would rather avoid it when possible. I have to remind myself I am here because my BA in Pastoral Ministry has yielded zero job opportunities. As much as i long for the chance to be a Pastor or assistant to one, it must wait. I must give over my desires to the Lord.
I miss seeing my darling daugter but I know she will be awake and eager to see me when i get home. And its good for her and mommy to have some bonding time without me anyway, doesn't hurt. I am praying and hoping we will have some more little ones soon. We just have to trust the Lord on this, and hold fast in confidence. Then i will really be scrambling to find income supplements . But maybe by then things will be better at work, a night job might have to happen, but hey lots of people do it.
So on for another long night of studying and network stuff ahead. Tired and really not in the mood, but its school so I dont know if i ever would be.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Avery went to the doctor last night since she has not been feeling too well. She is 39pounds. She did a great job and followed the doctors orders completly. For the first time in her little life she was patient and behaved well, i was very impressed. Love her so much.
As Febuary approaches I continue to think about what is ahead of us with excitment.
As Febuary approaches I continue to think about what is ahead of us with excitment.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Incredibly my online blog has become just about as scarce as my written journal. I have lately been doing better with my journal, only since learning how important it is to keep. My journals from 13 years have made it out of the dusty closet and into the hope chest. I am reading them to gain insight and understanding of what the Lord has been doing with my life. Its pretty fun actually going back and reading things from when I was in high school. I wrote a lot more often then, but had more time to do so I think. December 24th we got several inches of snow which finally melted away a couple days ago. So we have had snow around for a bit which is pretty fun. Don’t care so much to drive on it though, but otherwise good. Work has been keeping me busy, a lot of rushing around doing as much as I can with the time I have. Hopefully this year will be better for the company and in return better for me as well. I would like to keep growing. My Avon needs work too, I think if I put more effort into the task it would result in more, just have to wait and see. 2010 is a newyear and new hope. We have much to prepare for and much to do this year. Putting a fence in my yard is my main goal, so I can enjoy the yard more and enjoy my pool. Funny how putting a fence in would make you feel all the more secure, but I guess its about a boundary line. We are also attempting to have a baby this month which takes a lot of prayer. It is in the Lords hands now at this point, but I have a lot of hope for what is ahead of us. Avery needs a little sister or brother, or both. Either way she is ready. So we press ahead to what is ahead of us and pray each day for the Lord to bring His will and help us to trust in Him more.
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