Dear blog! Yes its been a while since I bothered to move my mouse icon to the blog website and click on the add post button. Yes a lot has happened and continues to on a daily basis as we have small children and it comes with the territory. Still I should be journaling more anyway, but both the blog and the journal suffer on the end of my to do list and tend to get pushed to the to do later list. But tonight the house is going to bed early expect me who is not quite ready to close my eyes on end an enjoyable day.
Kenny may not agree today was too enjoyable for him. He started it by waking up in the car early this morning for an ear surgery for tubes. All of this went very well and he was pretty cranky and needy the remainder of the day. Still all in all not too bed. He does like to get into pretty much everything, although he understands the verbal commands such as no and come here, he also practices self will often in rebellion toward such words. Perhaps its just because he takes after his big sister, or he is just human! The toilet for one example seems to be the thing he likes to go off and explore, causing sheer closed door panic to all of us to make sure he cannot get into the bathroom. He is the one who likes to walk along and laugh, then fall down with a bump, followed by returning to his feet to follow through.
Erin smiles at everyone and always has the special way of making you feel warm inside with a glance. We call her our ‘care bear. ’ She is not walking yet or pulling all the way up, but she does make an attempt to get up on her knees from time to time. Mostly its army crawling which is sure to make her arms super strong… perhaps enough to wrestle toys away from her brother, Erin is strong willed as well.
Avery is doing very well in school which pleases her parents very much. The teacher, Mrs. Rumsey says shes top of the class in her letters and numbers, shapes and colors. She adores her brother and sister and enjoys playing more than anything else. She can be a bit of a distraction to the learning process in school though, in which she has to be separated from her friends. But I think its best as she is learning so much. Hard to believe she is really 5! Time just goes too fast.
Our lives are always super crazy but that is how life goes. We watched a movie called ‘Life as we know it’ today which was really good. A reminder that the way things turn out are the way they are meant to be and we should accept the Lord’s plan for us may not be the way we would have written the story. We also watched Transformers 3 which was an insane amount of graphics and would have been fun on the big screen. I didn’t like it as much as the first one though, it will always have a brilliance to it the other two wont.
Not much else to report at this given moment. I am ready to begin my Doodle Bug daycare but for now have yet to sign any new kids. So ill just enjoy the three I have for now and trust the Lord will in His time provide.