You know that moment when you are howling into the night
while your body is being hurled along the windy coaster track? It’s the same
moment you are clutching your camera with one hand and holding on tight to your
daughter with the other. Avery was not feeling up to the big roller coaster
just yet, even though she mastered all of the Disney coasters, this one just
did not feel right for her. We went on the smaller coaster which was just fine
for daddy as it allowed me the picture taking opportunity anyway. That along
with the carousel made the night perfect. She also won a small bear shooting
darts at a balloon.
Kenneth and Erin spent most of the evening being pushed
around in their double stroller, enjoying the sights as well as they could,
mostly people watching. After a while daddy bribed them with some popcorn to
make their tummy’s happy. I am sure they would have ran all over the place if
we let them. Mommy and daddy enjoyed having all of the kids at the fair this
year, but it might be easier when they are all a bit older as well. All three
of them are going to get into plenty of trouble together as they get older. Holly
took the little ones back to the car while I rode along with Avery on the
rides. They were screaming about leaving daddy and Avery behind, so it was good
that by the time we got to the car they were much relieved.
Earlier in the day Avery and her cousin Madison went to see
Disney on Ice at the Fair with Granny. She wanted to take them and spend time
quality time enjoying something they both enjoyed a great deal. This also came
with gate admission into the fair so tickets for our trip this evening were
free. Sweet deal right there, free parking, free gate admission, we just paid
for food and some face painting along with tickets for the ride. On the way
back from the line for the big coaster the attendant handed me 8 tickets, I assumed
he took some from Avery without me noticing but turns out we ended up with 8+8.
We spent four on the carousel, and 8 on the smaller coaster, than sold the
other four to someone in line. So that worked out well, what a blessing! It is
the small things God gives us at the most unusual times that remind us of what
blessings we have.
September has been a long month for all of us, we have had
to put in a lot of hours and sweat a lot of blood and tears to accomplish the
necessity. But it’s the Lord who grants us strength to attain the prize. It is
the power and peace only the Lord can provide which help us get up in the
mornings and go after what we need to get done for the day. As we approach
October, I know it means birthday plans for Avery, and getting everyone ready
for Halloween festivities. We know the Lord is with us and thank Him for this
family He has given.