Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Guiding down the river

Finishing up another semester with straight A’s makes me feel extremely elated and proud of myself. I do owe all praise and glory to God for helping me through the semester and my family for always being my support system. I must say my school and classmates really have become like family as well and we are all wading these educational waters together. After so long I am embarking on the final leg of my college journey and approaching the wide open ocean of opportunity. It seems like so far it has been a long treacherous journey down a rapid river and I can see the final leg at last.

This previous semester gave me a lot of new insights into teaching and allowed me seventy hours of student training under a mentor teacher in practicum. I also had ten more hours in reading diagnosis tutoring a fifth graders. My other two classes were Educational psychology and Social studies Methods which were very informative and helpful. Now next semester in the spring I have twelve weeks of student teaching to complete. I am excited and ready to get out there, make contacts, gain knowledge, and practice everything we have all been working toward so far.

My darling bride has been stuck at home for several weeks now getting over pneumonia in both lungs. She is understandably ready to get back to work hopefully soon and ready to regain strength and energy. I however have had the best Christmas present just being able to spend so much time with her, even though she has been sick.

Our oldest is doing wonderfully in third grade and is at the top of her class. The twins are growing too fast as well and I can hardly believe it watching how much they have grown. Every day is something new with my children. They are always teaching me as much as I am trying to teach them. I look forward to the coming Christmas season as we are in the middle of it now. I am eager to see all that is in store for our family. Trusting God to walk us through every step and guide us down the river of life. 

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Called to Obey: Genesis 22:1-19

Called to Obey
                                                 David Bowlby
                                                Genesis 22:1-19

One of the most important stories in the Old Testament is based on being obedient to God. We are called to obeying God’s will no matter it is.

Now the first point I am going to make is the worship. Abraham brought glory to God
by Believing God could do something great. Gen 22:5 - And Abraham said unto his young men, Abide ye here with the donkey and I and the lad will go yonder and worship, and come again to you.” By saying this he declares that God has something in mind and will provide a way to bring both of them back. Even if it means God brining Isaac back from the dead. Heb 11:17-19 - By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son, Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called: Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in as a type. In the way Abraham lived he brought Glory to God.

We pretty much all want to be like Jesus? Sure, we all do. of course. John 17:1 - These words spoke Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee:

Many times in the gospels Jesus tells us He does only what He sees the Father doing
and was sent to bring glory to God. In what way did he bring this glory. By living a perfect and blameless life. Every moment before the cross, He lived a holy lifestyle.  Jesus worshipped the Father by the way He lived, just as Abraham worshiped God the way he acted and spoke.

Then there is us. Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men, that they
may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” In the way Abraham and jesus lived, so we must live. What do you think of when i say worship?
What is the typical idea of worship? Singing and dancing around most likely. Worship is more then music and dancing around. It is the daily adoration and respect we show to a superior being. (God). But we don’t just worship God. People worship things and other people all the time by placing them above God in their adoration and respect. By giving them more value then God. We have to be careful in the way we live to glorify God by giving him all priority

Now we move onto my next point. The Willingness.
Gen 22:3 - And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and saddled his ass, and took two of his young men with him, and Isaac his son, and clave the wood for the burnt offering, and rose up, and went unto the place of which God had told him.

God has spoken, Abraham didn’t waste anytime, but got up early and went to obey God.  Later in verse 18.  “And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.” God tells us Abraham obeyed God's voice. He rose early to do the things which God called him to do. He didn’t know until he got to the place how long it would take him to get there it took him three days and in Abraham’s mind Isaac was dead from when the commandment came till later when God intervenes; three days. But I will leave that to you to think about.

Also we note that God said "Burnt Offering." Now a burnt offering we see in Leviticus
as a complete sacrifice this means God wanted Abraham to give Isaac completely
over to God. God calls Isaac the "son whom you love", your beloved son, your most precious possession. As far as God is concerned Isaac is the only son. Abraham had in the spirit and Abraham loved Isaac. The same word used for Abraham loving God is used in the love for Isaac but as this story shows we see how much more Abraham loved God.
By being what? Willing to give his only begotten son over to God completely wholly as a burnt offering.

We move into the New Testament. Matthew 26:39 - And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. Jesus prayed for the Father's will to be done.
Knowing full well that He was going to be in for the most painful and dramatic moment in all history; the Cross. He is going to carry His cross up the mount and pay the price for our sins. Jesus was willing, Jesus was obedient. Philippians 2:8 - And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”

Now flash back to Isaac for a moment the word used to describe Isaac can be translated to mean young man meaning he wasn’t that little 10 year old we see on the flannel graphs in Sunday school. Isaac was old enough to carry the wood up the mount and there is no sign that Isaac resisted Abraham. Which would have been easy enough to do. Abraham was old and Isaac was willing to do what God wanted Him to do.

This brings me to the hard and difficult part of this. The call we have to be willing to obey God. 2 Corinthians 2:9 - For to this end also did I write, that I might know the proof of you, whether ye be obedient in all things.” The hard part of this message is when we see that we are also called to be obedient to God “Acts 5:29 - Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. This is not any easier then Abraham or Jesus. But the truth is there. For my illustration on this i think back to when i started this study. My girlfriend Holly, whom i love dearly, and i were talking about her future. Where she wants to go, or what she wants to do. Well its pretty hard to make these choices and as much as i want her to move out here sooner the better. We both had to realize we have to let Gods will be the way we follow.

We are called to obey God in all things. This may indeed waiting a few years before we live in the same state. It could mean anything; in Gods will! The point is: no matter what we must put God first in ever area of our lives He must be first. Whether it be school, careers, family, boyfriend, girlfriend, possessions, goals, dreams, and all other areas. If he says go to India for a month, then go. If he called me to sell my car and ride my bike to school, i would, well. "Its a 40 minute drive God." You get the picture?!

We have been over the Worship, and we have been over the Willingness. Now we are going to talk about: THE Way.

Abraham. Gen 22:8 - And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together.” He knew God would provide a way. God provided the way for Abraham in response to the obedience. God also blesses Abraham as a result. Gen 22:17 - That in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies. Gen 22:18 - And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

Because Abraham obeyed Gods voice. He had a three day journey were I’m sure he was tempted to just forget it. But did he listen to even himself those days? No. He obeyed God.

What about Jesus then. The response to Jesus giving Himself up is that Jesus was able to take all of our sins all of them... completely....burnt.....all....our sins past, present, future.... all our sins upon Himself and then He rose from the dead on the third day to give us a new life in Him. John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Abraham showed his love for God by giving up his most precious son, Isaac and God provided a ram in the place of Isaac. God tested His own love for us all by sacrificing His own son for us, His only begotten Son. After three days the Son rose again and later goes to the Father.
Now what about our needs? What about those. Philippians 4:19; “And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches.” He will give us our needs. All of them. When we give to Him in obedience he will give us what we need.

We ask So what? Three things we need to remember. The first: We have to ask ourselves how obedient we really are? Are we giving completely as a burnt offering or not. The second, Are we willing to obey God and trust for his provision? Third: Like Abraham
we have been called to obey.

Anatomy of an Exam

We’ve all had those moments in life where we have been faced with the extreme pressure and daunting task of taking a major test. Tests are a part of life from the very beginning of our early preschool years. Our teachers have been giving us tests from the simple things like social skills to the abc’s to the more difficult tasks of higher critical thinking skills. They are simply unavoidable and probably going to be around for the rest of our lives as well. So how do we deal with the tests, the struggle, the stress, the aggravation of sitting down and approaching with any shred of confidence the very goliath before our eyes? Run!

Alright so maybe running is too strong a word and when first used it looks like I am saying to run away from the test, run from the problem. But no in truth we cannot run from the tests in school or the tests in life. All of these exams before us are placed there for an important reason, to examine our knowledge and increase our wisdom. So the first thing to do is stop being afraid of the tests in our lives, even the ones which could easily trample us underfoot. We should run into the battle, across the enemy lines and into the territory of possibly the unknown. Because the battle is where we learn and grow.

Today I approached another big test of my life, a real hurdle separating me from my life goal of becoming a teacher. Now while I will not know the results for another few weeks I thought it would be good to just get some of the destressing accomplished now. Because this particular test was taken once already in May of last year and not passed by a mere five points. So that was rather disappointing, as well as it would be even more so if today’s exam did not go well either. Time will tell. And time is something else to learn from.

In life exams take time to accomplish. Today’s particular test was a four hour exam which included multiple choice options and written portions. They were simple enough questions all regarding my knowledge of teaching and appropriate practices in the classroom. I am not sure I agree that this simple test really says I am able to be a teacher, I leave that to the Lord really and the strong desire I have to meet the goal itself. When I reached the written essay portion I froze in a panic at first because it occurred to me that this is extremely difficult to write without having proper time and maybe a good spell check along with me. But in the real world and life our tests often have to be even quicker, leaving us very little time to have the best answers when faced with difficult moments. Preparation is everything.

Preparing for the unknown is difficult. Even with study guides and booklets on the subjects being studied it can still be scary once approaching the test. I read many books on marriage before getting married and again books on parenting before having kids, but none of them really made me the perfect husband or father. Neither do passing some state required tests make me an excellent teacher. I will be an excellent teacher because that is what God has called me to be. But it is going to take time and I will be learning from the experiences I have going forward. What astounds me the most about test taking is how completely stressful it is and how much can be learned more from our reactions to the test then the actual tests themselves. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Article Review: Connecting Classrooms & Communities

 Article Review 

Favela, Alejandra, and Danielle Torres. "Connecting Classrooms & Communities: Identifying Student Needs & Assets Inside & Outside Of School." Multicultural Education 21.2 (2014): 51-53. ERIC. Web. 2 Sept. 2015.
Self-esteem, belonging, and security are all parts of Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. It is important for students to have healthy understanding and appreciation for their own culture and surrounding cultures. Since students in school are usually diverse in background and language, it is important for them to have an understanding of where they are in the community and how to appreciate their roles.
            Teachers should collaborate and work with parents and counselors to connect students with the community and help them understand its importance. Mixing up students from various backgrounds helps them to give each other feedback on all things. A lot of families struggle with problems such as food, housing, employment, and health insecurity.
            Many schools and districts who are attempting to reach out to the community, have training for their staff so they will be equipped to help the students. The first main idea is to first establish a sense of self-worth and value to each students. Once students are aware of themselves they will also be aware of their place in the community around them. Every person has a role, a task, a position in which they are assigned for a time. It is good to give students the encouragement that what they do matters, who they are matters, and there is a purpose for them in this world.
            One suggestion in the article is for teachers to perform cultural awareness interviews. The interview would be as simple as bringing people into the class to speak to students regarding the culture they are from. As students gain knowledge of the various cultures in they begin to connect to others and create a network.
Students gain understanding on how to get their own needs met through helping meet the needs of those around them. They learn who they are, how they belong, and how everything fits together. Teachers should ask themselves how they are identifying the needs of the students and focusing on promoting their strengths. Teachers are advocates to the student and should be working toward the students learning goals.


            One thing I am sure of is that I strongly believe in connecting my students with the world around them. I believe having guests come in to speak to them regarding various ways of life, careers, hobbies, adds enrichment to what they are already learning. It is beneficial to the student as well as the teacher to include as much community culture into the classroom as possible.
            In the article there are very good points made regarding community culture and including it in the classrooms. In my study of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-acceptance and belonging are extremely important. I believe if students can see themselves in their community and understand where they fit in, those needs will be met.
            When I am running my own classroom I will be using outside sources as often as I can to bring my students a sense of purpose and position where they live. I want my students to feel important and valued in everything they do.

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Article Review: Behavioral Problems in the classroom

Article Review

Tommerdahl, Jodi, and Peggy Semingson. "Behavioral Problems In The Classroom And Underlying Language Difficulties." Journal Of Education And Training Studies 1.2 (2013): 217-223. ERIC. Web. 2 Sept. 2015.
“Behavioral Problems in the classroom,” raises awareness of the link between behavior and language issues. Communication is a key tool in any setting where people are seeking to pass along information or understand a lesson. Language impairment often goes unnoticed and untreated by teachers who immediately assume behavior problems are not related to understanding. In some cases children do have the ability to listen but chose not to, and this causes difficulty for those who need attention to get help.
            Teachers often lack information regarding potential language problems. Students who deal with impaired language may struggle with their social relationships and find it difficult to express themselves. Children who are having difficulty understanding instructions become frustrated with their academic performance and the parents or teachers do not seem to notice. Problems are multiplied when children become victimized and bullied by peers who call them ‘weak’ or ‘stupid’ regardless of their intelligence.
            In the article several language problems are explored and explained. Parents and teachers have the opportunity to spot language difficulties when children are young so work can begin to help the student with their learning. If children are not following the basic rules of a conversation, for example, there could be causes that go beyond simple behavior. There are several activities which focus on the language components of phonology, grammar and pragmatics. It is good for teachers to have several helpful tools and strategies ready depending on the need of the child. There are many ways for the classroom to do group activities which help all the children, not just those dealing with language frustration. It can be useful for all students to gain knowledge so they can also know how to work together.  Classroom discussions can include topics of social uses of conversation and appropriate language.
            When there is an increased awareness of the link between language difficulty and behavior problems, teachers will be more equipped to focus on working to help children in their areas of need.
Language difficulty is something I have personally dealt with my entire life so I am glad I found an article that does a wonderful job pointing out the issue. It is important for teachers to see that behavioral problems are not always related to issues of attitude or laziness. Sometimes students simply are not able to comprehend the instructions or they do not know what they are being asked.
In some cases hearing impairments are a big issue with behavioral problems. Students who are whispering in the back of the room might be asking a friend to repeat what the teacher said because they are too afraid to ask themselves. Students who are quite might simply need to engage all of their attention to comprehend the lesson being taught. Other students with similar hearing difficulty might not care as much about their academic goals so they goof off more in class than others. A lot comes down to what the student individually feels about their personal struggles and if they care to push through.
Having my own experience with language difficulties will help me take this article and put the skills to good use in my classroom. It is important for the teacher to be aware that just because they are saying something clear, does not mean each student is hearing everything clearly. This article relates to classroom behaviors as well as reading diagnosis as students may be struggling to read and write as a result of language impairments. There could also be discussion about how language barriers are present with second language learners as well.  

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

What do you know.....child development

Effective Teaching in Christian Education

“What do you know…”
(Sept 2003)
 By David B.

            Every human being goes through a life series of changes and growth development. In each stage there are new discoveries of life and various personality marks that form. The basic four age groups include preschooler, elementary children, youth, and adult. Of these four there are wide ranges of characteristics that will show the steady increase of age and bring the person from child to adult.
            The first age group begins with the child as it is born and enters into a new world of discovery and preschool. It is in these early years of development that the child is just starting out with new sights, sounds, and smells. Every new sensation and touch is something to take in fully but the child’s attention span can only take in so much at a time. They express curiosity in everything as they explore the limited amount of space they can realize.
            Preschoolers are commonly reserved in social climates when it comes to strangers and new unidentified people. Most children of this age group feel insecure when their familiarity is taken away or something changes. They have a strong need for routine and do not find repetitious habits boring or tedious. To every child the world is only seen from their eyes and theirs is the only right perspective. They do not mentally look for several meanings but focus on whatever aspect appeals to them.
            In the mind of the preschooler there is a limit to what they can do and usually seek to attain far more then their skills allow. Their time frame is always now centered and logical answers to their endless questions are difficult to understand. What they think and feel about the world is in a literal perspective often best depicted in pictures. As they grow and discover new things their excitement continues to reach far beyond their capacity. Preschoolers will soon develop patterns, which slowly take them from their age into the age of elementary children.
            This second age group, elementary children, has a fading line from preschool but becomes clear as their character develops. As the child’s muscles coordination and height level begins to grow so does their ability in other development. The child’s elementary years are a series of growing and discovering new things as well as being able to mentally determine and make choices for themselves. Their attention span slowly increases but still requires the need for various activities. In the span of years learning is a growing desire for the child as they begin to think more and use more decision making in situations. It is a great age for memorization as they will acquire much and be able to display almost accurately what they learn.
            Emotions and feelings are slowly developing throughout the elementary years. A child will begin to make more friends and cling onto social relationships. Their feelings are held out to the world and most easily hurt. Because of their growing need for acceptance it is important to instill confidence and assurance into the child’s life. As the child watches and feels the love from parents and teachers they are able to understand the feeling better and experience the difference between emotions. A child’s enthusiastic behavior is often overpowering and they lack the ability to know how to control themselves.
            As the elementary years continue on the child will develop more and more patterns seeking adult hood maturity. They watch adults and mimic them hoping to soon be bigger. In the growing of a child comes the search for self-identity and worth in the world as each new day new things are discovered. The child develops the understanding of right and wrong and seeks to maintain positive behavior and emotional balance. There is a strong dependence on friends and seeking strong relationships with others. Interests grow and strengthen the child’s personality and character.
            With the growth of the child comes more evidence of intellectual development. It is the age when the child groups’ people and can distinguish between various types. There is still a struggle with abstracts as the mind tries out new forms of thinking. Creativity is high in the elementary child and they have the ability to come to logical conclusions with help. Often the child can be critical of adults as they struggle for the answers and rebellion spurs.  Their sense of right and wrong along with ability to seek God as a loving friend continues to strengthen. Knowledge of responsibility and personal conviction will grow more as the child continues to develop out of the elementary years. 
            As the child approaches the third age group, youth, the slow growth speeds up rapidly. These are the days of early adolescence when everything about their body, their social world, and their feelings begins to change. There is a great amount of development that occur during the years of this group which prepare it for adulthood while tearing it away from childhood.
            Energy levels are among the many things, which increase in the youth. They have a fast train of thought and experiment with adventurous risky behavior. As this takes place their bodies begin to change from children into adults and this causes them to feel new things and experience new desires which are often scary to them. The youth goes through changes, which affect their social and emotional style as well.
            Since there is an increase in change the youth becomes more aware of their body and outward appearance. Youths desire to blend into their group on part while seeking their own individuality. They develop attraction with one another and have higher interest in the opposite sex. The changes, which take place, cause many questions and searches for answers.
            There is a strain on the youth to find his or her personal identity and be able to make something out of their life. Each stage in their development through Jr High and High school years takes the youth from stage to stage in emotional growth. It is the age of youth where faith is taken personally and worth can come from what others and think. The growth of the youth reaches closer to adult maturity as they seek to fit in socially and become emotionally balanced.
            Adulthood comes as the last of the four stages of development. It is this stage where the child is now a man or woman and has a defined self-impression of their world and place. The adult has come along away from the years of preschool and continues to learn on the basis of personal experience and growth.
            The life of an adult starts in the mid 20’s after they have grown out of childhood and matured to an understanding of the world around them. Throughout their days there is much more stress and frustration as age progresses and responsibility increases. Their need for goals and to deal with life issues is stronger in adulthood. As age progresses so does the need for support from others who have experienced the same life issues.
            Adults never outgrow the need to learn nor the desire for knowledge and wisdom in any age. They continue to seek out understanding of things that have been kept with them for years and they seek to teach the younger generations. Every need varies on the adults individual social and economic status in the world. Their age, health, martial and other such things affect the adult in great ways throughout their age. They continue to seek close friends and will gather around support and encouragement groups as needed.

            Throughout the four age groups there is a great deal of development and learning taking place. Each new age slowly increases the persons overall character and personality in every physical, emotional, social, and spiritual way. What can be learned from seeing how the individual develops is the defining sense of change and the power of experience in all of lives stages. 

Sunday, August 02, 2015

Exodus 20:1-7 in the light of Exodus 19-24

            After taking Israel out of slavery the Lord God makes with them a covenant relationship. This covenant is created partly in the form of the ancient covenants of that day. In it there is an introduction, relationship, stipulations, and a sacrifice of blood given. Israel comes into a covenant with Yahweh by a sacrifice made to show what would happen if the covenant was broken. Exodus 20:1-17 breaks down into two categories: Israel’s relationship with God, and Israel’s relationship with itself. But first is God’s proclamation of Himself.
            The Lord begins speaking with the people directly by reminding them of His past deeds. He is the one who delivered them from the land of slavery and because of this Israel is obligated to obey the stipulations of the covenant. The rest of the passage is usually referred to as the Ten Commandments, when the word command is not even mentioned. “The ten words are commands, nor are the couched in command (i.e., imperative) language. They are simple future indicative verbs that indicate the future action that is expected consequences of the preceding prologue” (Mendenhall 1184). The words given to Israel were expected to be followed because the Lord is their deliverer.
            Yahweh goes through the first four words in telling how Israel should behave before Him. Unlike other ancient treaties of this kind there is no mention of other gods as witnesses. The reason for this is that there is only One God and the people are His witnesses. There is no other God and Yahweh makes that clear as well as making sure they do not form idols. Idols were a big part of the ancient lands and Israel was not to be a part of those practices.
            The Lord makes it clear that they are to treat His name with respect and not use it in an unworthy manner. He does this because He is a real God opposed to the worship of false gods that was done throughout the lands. His worship was to be pure and the way they sacrificed was to be holy. Chapters twenty-one through twenty-three give stipulations of the covenant that expound on the original ten words given in chapter nineteen. The last word given in how the people should relate to Yahweh is to treat the Sabbath day holy. This word could be taken in the second part of the passage but related more to the first. It is the day of Yahweh and should be remembered by resting.
            Verses twelve through seventeen outline the remaining six words of Yahweh to the people of Israel. These deal with the relationship between Israelites with each other. The first five are direct outward actions made toward other people. These actions are prohibited and not detailed more in chapter twenty. In the chapters following there are many other stipulations given that relate back to each of the words including these last six. The final word is a prohibition of inward desires that Israel might have. They are told to not desire something of their neighbor’s to the point of coveting. After that word is given the text goes on to give more laws to Israel.
            The Lord gives blessings for what He will do for Israel if they follow His laws. Then in the last chapter, twenty-four, there is a sacrifice to ratify the covenant. This ceremony involves sacrificing the blood of an animal. The blood was then thrown on the altar and the people. “The latter was a symbolic action in which the people were identified with the sacrificed animal, so that the fate of the latter is presented as the fate to be expected by the people if they violated their sacred promise”  (Mendenhall 1185). If then one of the people of Israel failed to keep a law they would be subject to death as a penalty. The salvation of a person would be by the blood of an innocent animal. But even before the law was given there was a relationship Yahweh set up with His people, Israel. Therefore there is relationship before law, and law brings forth salvation, and salvation is a response to that law. The purpose of the law is to bring people to the need for the blood sacrifice because they will fail to keep the law. In Yahweh there is law and salvation.

1. Mendenhall, George E. and Herion, Gary A. “Covenant.” In The Anchor Bible   Dictionary. Ed. David N. Freedman. New York: Doubleday, 1992. Vol. 2: 1179-1202

Friday, July 31, 2015

Twenty five years of Water of Life

My earliest memories of Water of Life include going to the Terra Vista building for services and soon relocating Sunday mornings to the Ruth Musser Middle School gymnasium. The high school continued to meet at the Terra Vista building while I was attending. I cannot remember the exact date we first went to WOL, but I know it was in the middle of my Jr. High school grades from 1994-1996. It was both a major transition time for the Church and for me personally.

Previous to Water of Life my family attended another large non-denominational congregation we had been at since moving to California in 1987. There were several reasons why the Lord was leading us to a new church, one which was that I needed a good youth group to start attending once I hit high school. It is hard to believe now looking back that it has been that long. Water of Life is celebrating twenty five years this year, I am about to turn thirty-four years old. Time goes so fast.

In the wonderful miraculous journey that the Lord took the church on during those years, from the inheritance, to the land at East Ave. I can remember praying over the Inherit the Land and Possessing the Land campaigns, which included walking around the property and praying. We sought God for His rich blessings to flow on the land, and on the people who would be ministered to in that place.
In the summer of 2003 I moved away from Water of Life and California to the east in order to get married and start a family. For several years I still listened to sermons coming from the church and Pastor Dan Carroll. I continued to email him regularly to keep him updated on what God is doing with me. I still listen regularly to the messages via the church website and podcast. Every week I am anxious to hear more about what God is doing in the Church and what God is speaking to me through the messages.

We serve a mighty God who is madly in love with people. This is something which I have learned and witnessed over and over again throughout the years. I praise Him for all He does. I think about the prayers we prayed over the land, seeking God’s will and work to be done. There are thousands touched every week in that Church and around the world through outreach missions. God has all the glory for everything. It is a constant reminder to keep praying by faith, even for the things we cannot see or understand right now. We do not know what He has in mind. He is still doing amazing things at Water of Life and doing amazing things in my life.

In the great divinely crafted tapestry of my life, I am thankful every day for Water of Life and the work of those individuals who served and continue to serve God’s Kingdom. I am continually blessed and marked for life having WOL woven into my story. I know whatever He has planned for me now in the place He has planted me will be full of purpose. So I strive forward to what is ahead for all that He wills. 

Monday, July 27, 2015

My teaching philosophy

Every child is a unique individual capable of learning, understanding, and responding to education. Children come from all different backgrounds, and are placed in with a mix of others who are all in the same way going to respond to everything in their own way. I have always believed it is important to understand what a child is saying and respond to them with respect and kindness. 
There really can be no other way as a teacher, as teachers are called to teach and guide.
Elementary education is the very roots of the rest of a persons’ life. As that child grows up to be an adult what they learned while young will have greater influence on them as anything else they experience. Kids are going to take the things they learned growing up, from the classroom environment to the home environment and use those lessons to become who they are in the world. One of the most vital skills a child will take from school is not just the ability to read but the enjoyment of reading.

As every child is an individual learner, there are a multitude of ways to help them understand reading. For those kids who learn through visual or spatial means, it might be as simple as learning to read instructions to play a game. Naturalistic learners can find animal facts an interesting thing to discover. With each child there is a way to present the love of learning and the desire to continue in the skill.

With each new child I teach I will look at them as an individual, deserving my attention, along with all of their classmates, and acceptance that they do not know everything yet. I can be confident in what I know and am able to teach them. I will be ready; knowing everything I do is a reflection of what I believe. When there are challenges to be faced, and there will be, I will handle them with sensitivity. It is important to me that the kids learn how to love reading and writing so they will be successful adults and enjoy all of the wonderful worlds contained in books.

All my life I have always had a creative mindset when it comes to accomplishing a task. I am always on the lookout for any tools near me which might be of help. This makes me more of the stage manager when it comes to playing and teaching children. As a child myself I was the one who came up with the creative ideas for the neighborhood kids. I would grab empty buckets and some wood beams to set up obstacle courses for one example. This creative aspect of my nature will enable me in the teaching world to help aid children in the art of learning while playing. As long as I have the resources I will enjoy watching the children learn and discover along with me.

My goal is to be the teacher the children remember later in life as the one who had the most fun ways of learning new things. There is so much to learning then simply reading in a text book and answering questions. Real life is hands on, so the children should have as much hands on learning as they can. The best memories I have from early elementary school are those involving special project assignments. When a teacher takes something and helps it come to life with the kids it holds a special meaning.

As I grow as a teacher all of the different roles will manifest at one point or another. I like the focus of a stage manager, as they present the various pieces or props, for the children to work with and learn from. I imagine it is very much like a science lab in a sense as I present the children or subjects with tasks to preform and watch what they and I learn from them. There will never be a time when I am not learning as much as the kids are. All teachers have to be open to allow the kids to teach in return even as they are learning.

It will be my responsibility to present the children with the learning material in a fun and creative way every day. I want my kids to talk about what they are learning and doing in my class even when it is not obvious to them what they are gaining. It will take a lot of effort on my part but I look forward to gaining more skills and knowledge so the future children I help will benefit.