Friday, August 26, 2016

First week of teaching

On the way home from my last day of my first full week of teaching I imagined I would be a tad bit exhausted. And why should I not be, for there are never enough hours in the day to get all your work done as well as any sleep. However even with my sleepiness I was longing to get more done, and in truth there is always more to do. But you see new teachers like myself must be alert and not allow burn out too quickly. The job is exciting, its demanding, it’s a challenge, and let’s be honest it never ends. We go home from the busy week and our ideas are flowing and desire to get back in and try a new lesson is simply all we can think about. Relax, Monday will be here soon enough.
I have learned a lot this week from my students and from my fellow teachers. One thing is for sure, it is always good to surround yourself with people who not only have experience but can be encouraging and considerate. This is good to remember in any working environment, not just teaching. Life lessons are always present, just be watching.

Our first week of an awesome second grade year began and finished well with fairy tale stories and mathematical equations. I would say the reading time is the most fun for the students, especially when encouraged to work on answers and when they receive confirmation of doing a good job. I want so desperately for them to get the meaning of the lessons though. We talked today of the message of Beauty and the Beast and how it is not good to judge a book by the cover. We talked briefly about prejudice. My second graders did a great job and I hope they were listening.
Some mornings I might be driving to work a little dazed. In fact, if I am not careful I might forget if I am coming to school or going home since the sun is still low on the horizon. In my car I currently have Dr. Chuck Missler’s commentary on the Book of Matthew. I have been enjoying that since the 10th of August. I love being able to listen to good rich Bible study during on the road times. Those are the times when I am the student. Which reminds me of another point.

Teachers will always be students. We do not cease learning once we begin teaching. Every day is a learning moment. We learn what the students know, they need, where we think they will grow. We learn about what makes sense to them and new ways to teach them. We learn development skills, classroom management, learning styles, ect. Overall we as teachers are sometimes our own worst students because it often feels like we still need to learn the basics. But be open to learn, be open to grow. There is always something new and exciting ahead of us. This first week of teaching for me has already taught me a host of valuable lessons as I press on ahead. 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Back to School Night

       Woke up this morning with an incredible feeling of joy and purpose as I set out toward my second grade teaching assignment. Throughout the day I was busy in meetings going over procedures and other important essentials for me to know. All the while thankful and thinking about how exciting it is to be in this new place and in a great school.
      All the tables were ready in groups, greetings written on the dry erase board, and I anxiously awaited my first students to arrive. I put out little gold fish crackers and a note to welcome them “o’fishly to the second grade! I even put on some ocean sounds for the back ground and had my power point introduction slides I made back in my Media class. All things were ready and set to go!
      That is when the little ones started to arrive. All over the school kids running around meeting new teachers, hugging previous teachers, and carrying loads of school supplies everywhere. Then my first student showed up. And another. And it gave me great joy to introduce myself as their teacher and welcome them to the classroom. It dawned on me all at once with great joy all these little ones are going to be there next week waiting for me to teach them! For the first time it all suddenly felt real and amazing all at once.
       This is the place of ministry the Lord has chosen. I say that because when I tell people my background I want it to be aware any job for a believer in Jesus is meant to be a ministry position. It makes it all the more exciting and gives me great responsibility.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come. II Corinthians 5:17

       First my identity will be in Him, as a husband, father, and teacher but over all a believer in Him. So tonight was amazing. I realize no matter how much you work at it, being really ready to receive kids into the classroom can seem like an enormous adventure. It is, and truly this is the beginning of the year so anything can happen. We just need to hold on to tonight and look forward to what is ahead. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

No Nonsense Nurturer

Professional Development is about as necessary to the teaching world as board waxing is to surfers. Really that was the first analogy that came to mind. And I like it because just like surfing, teachers have to deal with the waves of students come in and out while looking for that moment where the kid gets it! Anyway today was the first of a lifetime supply of development trainings I will experience in this new career. The topic mostly dealt with Classroom management and how to work with students emphasizing the important of relationships. Here are some points I noted and liked:

No significant learning can occur without a significant relationship. – Dr. Comer.
The world is unpredictable and chaotic. Don’t let your classroom be the same.
Students have the same needs as teachers.
Teach every student knowing their future possibilities are endless
Invest in the kids who are not successful.
Don’t confuse being liked with being respected.
Unintended enablers are all grace. Negative controllers are all law. No nonsense is a little of both.
It does not matter how much you know until Scholars known that you care.
Precise directions must have moment, voice, and participation.
Scan the room after giving precise direction.
When checking for understanding, check those who are successful.
Acknowledge the ones who are on point and on task.
A tool no nonsense nurtures use to notice out loud scholars who are following directions.
Praise when praise worthy, academically not for behaviors expected anyway.         
Show the students they are important and you love them.
Scholars as a group achieve incentives as they meet predetermined expectations.
Save time and have students write questions while waiting on you to help them.
Remain consistent in classroom culture with what you expect and what you accept.
Consequences acknowledge choices students make.
No nonsense nurturers intentionally plan to build relationships.

Overall a great day of learning and developing more of myself as a teacher. I always welcome those opportunities and tomorrow we will do some more!

New beginning

It is completely feasible the summer went way too quickly for most of us. Quickly because there was so much to do and get done, so it just seemed to go by fast. The kids thought it was great, since they had a family vacation to the North West coast to visit their Aunt. We saw Mount Saint Helens, camped at Mt. Hood, hiked Mt. Rainer, ate at the cheese factory, played in the ocean surf, overall it was a blast.

Thankfully before the vacation the Lord opened up the door for me to teach! This is a door I have been waiting to go through for quite some time. I believe most of my college friends have all found jobs and places where they are supposed to be now. For me the door opened into second grade! So now I am a teacher with a class of students. I have spent the last several weeks preparing for this new teaching assignment!

I have the walls all decorated, the desks lined up, and the place is just about ready for the second graders. As for me I have been gleaning as much professional development as possible and getting myself ready to begin next week! Last week I started listening to Dr. Missler’s commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, while I drive to and from the city for work. It is great to be able to have a bit of time to gear up for the morning and wind back down at the end of the day.

As I lay awake in the early hours thinking of all the things I have yet to get done before the big meet the teacher night, I realized I needed to blog. Here is my place where I can post updates and share experiences thus far. So with that in mind I think I will run down a quick list for new teachers who might need this in the future… a list that will be ever growing with each new day.

First and foremost, find a mentor, find a friend, find someone who you can learn from. We will never have it all down completely and there will always be time for learning. I am in a smaller school and all the staff there have been awesome. I am glad I have a good team to work in and look forward to learning from them all.

The second thing to do is not over think everything. Yes we want the room to look great, the supplies organized, but do not stress over every small thing. Make lists, take time to reflect, and decide what matters most. I am already thinking of lessons and ideas to share with the kids.

Third and last for now, go out of your way to go the extra mile. Be willing to serve, be a giver, and do what you need to do to get it done. I came in last week and painted the dividing wall blue because it needed a fresh coat, and it adds to my overall theme of oceans and aquatics. Truly I want my kids to feel anchored in the classroom and be able to feel good about learning.
So I shall press on to what is ahead for teaching and look forward to more learning experiences as they come. God bless.