Little Avery Diane Bowlby born at 11:39am Oct 19, 7lbs and 15oz. 20 and 3/4 inches long. She has beautiful dark brown hair. She has her daddys eyes and her mommys face. She is so beautiful and we love her so much already. We do need your prayers her now. She came out and had a little problem with asparating some blood into her lungs. She is now in the nicu. They are taking really good care of her there but please pray for her as she has to be given oxyegen and has other stuff to help her keep feed. At the moment we just got home from the hospital for the moment to grab some dinner at Hollys moms house. They told us we are discharged but we can still stay in one of the rooms they set aside as a transition room. So we will be going back to the hospital tonight. Avery is still in critical condition in the neo natel unit but is under very good care, the best in the state. She is on oxygen still about 25% at last check. Her main problem is high respiration which just means her lungs are in pain from her initial asperation and they are trying to get better. When she is asleep she is calmer so that is good cause it means she can heal. She speant a while holding my hand fingers and Hollys as well. She knows our voices and crys like a banshee but she is adorable as ever. She looks so much like holly and has my eyes, she just takes our breath away. I cant wait to get pictures to you all. Hollys work is going to get us a room at a hotel near the hospital until Avery gets to come home so that we can be near her. Its still a moment by moment thing so keep praying for her. She also has beautiful dark brown hair as well and is the most cutest baby in the world!
Thank you for your prayers and I will update you more later
David, Holly and Avery
We are praying for little Avery and her beautiful parents. In the past, the doctors wanted babies with lung problems to loose a little weight. It helps make their lungs work easier and heal easier, so don't worry if her weight goes down some. Doctors in NICU are so knowlageable these days. As you said, she is in good hands with them and with God looking over her. Your voices give her strength too (crying is a good lung capacity builder). It's good to hear she can cry so well. We are looking forward to the pictures.
Love, Prayers, and Blessings,
The Kords
I forgot to add. It is very important that the two of you get your rest now! Once Avery comes home, rest will be a bye-thought! You sound very tired in you post, which is to be expected under the circumstances, but your's and Holly's good health is important to Avery. You will both need it, so rest!
Love, Prayers, and Blessings,
The Kords
Congrats on your sweet little bundle of joy! I'm so excited for you guys! I hope that everything goes wonderful for you two. Hugs to all of you. You are all in our prayers.
Mir, Arnold and K
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