Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Colossians 1:18

Every warm day makes me look forward to the spring time, but its still a little too cold at this point. We are all fighting colds at this point, Holly Avery and myself. So please pray for us. Keep us always in your prayers. Thank you for that and I hope you are doing well.


He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything. 
Colossians 1:18

When we really stop and think about it, what is there to live for in this world if there was no hope in Christ’s return? The main argument of our relationship with Jesus by most people as they deny He was raised back to life and conquered death. We do not worship a dead king, or a good teacher of old who had said some wise things. Our Christ is alive and reigns as the head of the church.

Firstborn in this passage is a position and ranking, not an order of birth. Jesus already was long before the incarnation (where he became a man). We praise our Lord for doing something no what was impossible for anyone else; bring life from death. By this He brings us hope for life. Christ is the head of the church, and the people including the Pope and other church leaders are all His servants. We were created for Him, where the world thinks we created him for us. 

A problem comes when we become so used to the way we have always known Him and forget who He really is. The church body has spent a lot of time trying to create its own version of Jesus as if he needed an upgrade. Leaders start teaching principles apart from the cross and miss the life and hope that it brings to us. Without that cross, and without the empty grave what is the point in teaching anything. It is He who is first above all and who has the power over death to bring life.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

We all enjoyed our trip to the ocean and Avery kept her toungue out the entire time tasting the salt in the air. It was also a lot warmer then we had been used to after such a long winter. We look forward to spring.

Avery on her four month birthday. She really got her fingers into this one. She has been doing a lot more with her hands these days and we look forward to her learning how to pick herself up and crawl.

Colossians 1:17

It sometimes find it difficult to really sit down and write on the passage from the Word until i really feel like it is from the Lord. That and life just gets so busy it escapes us how the time gets away. But all is good as we approach the spring and get ready for yard work once again. I hope you are doing well and have a good week. 

He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 
Colossians 1:17

The sense that all things flow in a certain pace for a reason is based on the truth that God holds all things together. We watch the entire earth go through cycles which are thought out and planned by our Lord to sustain life. He created all things for a purpose in His plan and created everything. Mankind was created and put into the world to enjoy all of the things the Lord has made. We live and breathe on this earth and take in all the Lord has put here. 

Life can at times seem like its spinning out of control, and that is because the whole earth is under a curse. During the fall of man, the earth was placed under a curse as well which keeps it on a course toward its own destruction. It is important to keep taking care of the things God has made while we also seek the hope of His return and redemption of the whole earth. 

Our lives are always in His hands just as the earth is. Just as he takes the water of the ocean and turns it into rain to refresh the earth, he takes everything in our life and keeps it in His control. He is the one who holds us together when we feel like without Him all we would do is fall apart. Without Him, we would.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Been a busy week since we got back from our mini vacation. For one thing it seems that spring is close on the horizon which is good, because there is a lot more we can get done outside when its not freezing. I have been having some trouble with the blog but will get some pics posted soon, there are some cute ones of little Avery. She had a great trip and is back now in her old routine of sleep, eat, and play. I like that myself actually but we got to work too. She does have her own share of work being a baby and growing. She is 27 inches now. 15 pounds and 12 ounces.

Anyhow we look forward to seeing what is ahead with the warmer weather and the celebration of the Passover coming up soon.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Day Three

Woke up and enjoyed my nice warm beautiful Saturday. It could not be more lovely out there, although i do miss my grandma back home and wish she could be out here. I know she wants to see me. I spent some time in the sun and saw some neat shows on TV.

I went on a walk today as well with the family doggy. We only went so far though since mommy and daddy are a little out of shape. Cant blame them since all they can do is sit inside the warm house during winter back home. Here we can get out and enjoy the sunshine.

I also met this other little cute baby while i was here too. They said she is three days younger, but looks a lot smaller then me. Her name is Alexis. We enjoyed some baby chatter. She belongs to daddys best friend. They stayed for dinner which smelled really good too. Then after that i spent another long night in the craddle grandpa put together for me. I guess daddy and Aunt Diane and Laurie all slept in it as well.

Day Four

Rather then heading to church this morning, we had to go to the doctor. I have been running aroung with snot lately and mommy wanted to make sure i was okay. I turned out according to the doctor to be okay. Though i still need to go to my other doctor back home, i trust him more.
I had no idea what this doctor today was saying, not sure why he used his phone to take my blood pressure either, but oh well.

Amazing Race all stars! It was great, looking forward to seeing them vote off that suvivor pair, i cant stand them. But i do enjoy seeing all the places and neat activities.

Day Five

MY four MONTH birthday is today! Then i enjoyed watching everyone play Risk of the future. Daddy didnt do that great, but mommy really took on the world. Aunt Diane is a pro. Grandpa bought cupcakes for me this morning and we got to enjoy them for evening. They wouldnt let me eat them just yet, but i did manage to grab some icing off of them when they showed them to me. Maybe next month i can sneak some into my mouth.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Avery’s Vacation diary

Day One

I made sure to wake mommy and daddy up as early as possible this morning as I was not about to let them miss my trip to see Aunt Diane and the rest of the family. Soon as I make a cry for food, they come running and I know we are off to a good start. It is only 4:30am anyway. Daddy made sure he got all of my beautiful pictures onto discs to show off. He loves to take those shots and I enjoy being my cute self for each of them. Could you believe I have my own suitcase all to myself?

Finally we made it to the car in about 10 and headed off to the airport. It was my first big plane trip since I left that wonderfully comfortable place my mommy had for me for nine months. The guy at the counter took my car seat and it disappeared through a hole in the wall. I didn’t know if he was going to put me through there or not, but I was glad when mommy grabbed hold of me and we headed up the stairs. So many faces and people, it was amazing.

One thing I can say about flying is they sure make it comfy for baby. I got my daddy’s lap to sleep on while he sipped from his shiny blue can. There were ladies walking by every few minutes to admire how beautiful and cute I am. They even put a blanket down in the back of the plane when it was time for my diaper change. What a day!

How wonderful the air is here, away from all that frost and chill. Aunt Diane is as sweet as ever, she loves to make me smile. Every time I see her, all I can do is anticipate her making faces and picking me up. We had nice accommodations at her home and saw the classroom where she talks about me and shows off my pictures on her desktop. I slept pretty good that night.

Day Two

Woke up with some a sneezy, runny nose and cough. Maybe the weather out here isn’t perfect but at least I got my family. They took me to see some of the largest trees I have ever seen. A forest. What an amazing sight. Then there was this large bathtub that was moving. The people rode on these little boards and let the water carry them into the rocks. Not sure why, but it looked fun. Daddy called it the ocean and seemed really happy to see it. After that we drove, and drove, and drove for what seemed like the entire day. I saw a lot of desert. Finally there was my family, my aunt Laurie, Uncle Jason and grandma and grandpa all ready to see me. There was another family member with her tongue out with drool, they call her the doggy. It was a long day so I checked in for the night.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Our little Avery pie rolled over on her own Mondy evening. We were playing with her as she was in a happy mood and got her on her tummy for some play time. She kicked around and tossed herself over with no help from us. Of course she is still practicing this technique so we will see how she does in the days and weeks ahead. She is growing so fast though i can hardly stand it.

Today is Valentines day which is one of my favorite times because everyone is always in such a love mood with hearts and sweet candy. I gave Avery a little plush toy luv bug, and Holly got a new ring setting for her wedding ring which is something i wanted to get her for a while. I got a great Archeology Bible which shows different artifacts relating to various passages of the Bible. It is really neat. We got it at a presentation we went to this past weekend.

Well got to go now, more later.

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Season of love is here, with red hearts and candy flowing in the streets. It almost makes you feel warm inside despite the chilly weather we are having. We did actually have one day which was warmer than it has been and I was able to take the princess to the park for an hour to enjoy some sunshine. She has not had much of that since she was born since its been winter. And now she is ready for her first valentines day and she is our little love muffin.

For this year there is much planned as usual, of course the gifts and the dinner. I always enjoying spending my time with my lovely wife. It does remind me of the year we got married. I was still living out in Ca and flew out to suprise her for valentines day. We were not married yet of course since it was only Feb. That was a great time.

Now we are finally near the end of the week and there is still much to do, there always is. Though i am reminded every day the sun rises how important it is for us to pause in life and enjoy the things we love and the live we have. It is precious because it is God's gift to us. Let Him be praised.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Colossians 1:15-16

I hope you are doing well my friend. Avery is 16 weeks old today, I can't believe how the time goes by. She is growing so much. I look forward to what is ahead for us and what God has in store. Pray as we seek His will. Thank you for those prayers. Be blessed


He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things have been created through Him and for Him.

Colossians 1:15-16

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever both in who He is and who He will forever be. Our Lord existed before all things came into being, for He always was, just as the Father always was. It has to be one of the most difficult things for us to get a hold of, as well as one of the most important truths about Christ; Jesus and God are One. The term ‘firstborn’ means that he was always there before anything else, there was nothing before Him.

All of creation was created through Jesus and for Jesus. Everything we see and know exists by His will and command. He created all the powers and authorities of the universe. Long before the manager and the New Testament, there was Christ Jesus, for He always was. How awesome that truth is to know.

Our Lord God also has no opposite, or comparison. Therefore you cannot have an equal to Him, nor can the enemy be anything close to Him. He is greater than all, for He is Almighty and wonderful, powerful and glorious. This is the Lord who died for His people to save them from sin. He is the One who desires relationship with us daily. Our Creator, Our Lord. We were created to be with Him and to know Him, as He wants us to be with Him forever.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Colossians 1:13-14

For one day it was actually warm around here, amazing enough. Well warm to the point of enjoying the outside for a little while but that is short lived as I’m sure the cold will be back soon enough. I hope you are staying warm and dry yourself. I can’t wait for spring.


For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. 

Colossians 1:13-14

We live in a world of war, not just a physical one but a spiritual war for our souls. There is the enemy camp who is sent out to destroy the lives of all people. This is because the enemy hates mankind and will stop at nothing to wreck lives and take down as many people into the darkness as possible. After thousands of years of studying man, the enemy is pretty clever and deceptive about how to trick souls. The kingdom of darkness is the place all people live that have not seen the light of God and been redeemed into another kingdom. 

On the other side is the Kingdom of Heaven, of light, and of truth. This is not a kingdom opposite of the darkness, but one set complete on its own with no comparison or contrast. This is where our Lord Jesus reigns as King and he has redeemed mankind through his cross. We have been rescued from the darkness and brought into the light by the Son of God. We know this truth, but how well do we know it? We must take careful consideration of all things in this world as there is much deception. Test all things to be sure they are coming from the Kingdom of the Son.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bottles, bottles everywhere and do much milk to drink. We live in a land of bottles these days as it seems they creep up everywhere. There is one on the couch, one in the babys room, two in our bedroom, and several more throughout the odd places of the house. These are all mostly used and ready to be washed. Now of course we have enough to only need to wash them once a week or so, that way we dont spend all of our time doing bottle duty. We are up to five ounces of milk now.

We really live for the weekend time as its when we can spend family time together and do things outside of being too tired during the week for anything. Of course right now its too cold outside for much of anything, but im sure that it will warm up soon enough. Afterall Avery didnt see her shadow yesterday so that means spring will be here in a few weeks. Or something like that.

Anyway its time to get ready for the day and see what kind of fun we can get ourselves into.