Bottles, bottles everywhere and do much milk to drink. We live in a land of bottles these days as it seems they creep up everywhere. There is one on the couch, one in the babys room, two in our bedroom, and several more throughout the odd places of the house. These are all mostly used and ready to be washed. Now of course we have enough to only need to wash them once a week or so, that way we dont spend all of our time doing bottle duty. We are up to five ounces of milk now.
We really live for the weekend time as its when we can spend family time together and do things outside of being too tired during the week for anything. Of course right now its too cold outside for much of anything, but im sure that it will warm up soon enough. Afterall Avery didnt see her shadow yesterday so that means spring will be here in a few weeks. Or something like that.
Anyway its time to get ready for the day and see what kind of fun we can get ourselves into.