Thursday, April 26, 2007

Colossians 3:16

May is next week but it still feels like March outside, not sure what that is all about. But maybe soon it will warm up a little more. Pray for our little one she has a stomach bug, which came right after she went back to day care after a two week vacation from it. How i wish we could find someone who could watch her at home. Thank you for those prayers my friend.


Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Colossians 3:16

First the peace of Christ, and now the Word of Christ is to dwell inside of us. Is this the word meaning the whole counsel of God with all of His laws and promises? Maybe the Word refers to Christ Himself as he is referenced in John’s gospel. Paul shows us that all of this is true as well as wisdom, teaching, and songs.

Want some real theology and profound insight into who God is? Read the Psalms with Christ in view and you will get some amazing surprises. The books of Moses give us wisdom and laws to make us better people and show what the Lord commands of His own. The entire Bible is full of all those things, but also it is filled from start to finish with worship music.

Have you tried to watch a movie without the sound? Try watching a film without any background music at all. It would be pretty boring alright. The reason for this is that life is found in music and singing. This is why we always find new songs to sing and new artists to write more. Not just Christians, but the entire human race knows the value of a good song to lift up your spirit and express your heart. The Word fills you with music to be sung to the King. Even if you don’t think you can sing, then sing in your heart because the Lord knows all things and can hear even the sound of your heartbeat. Read His word, let it fill you up with fullness and richness of His glory.

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