Sunday, May 27, 2007

Luke 17:7-10

Spring rain comes often around here, sometimes fast and furious leaving behind a large puddle in my front driveway. Anyway I hope you are doing well and are blessed this weekend my friend. Today's verse is one of those I found during my daily readings that I thought stood out to me. 

Luke 17:7-10

Our entire lives are built upon a foundation of doing good works and deeds to seek praise and admiration. Human nature loves to have great applause and points earned. All of our entertainment is built on getting the points, making the grade, and earning some sort of favor. Unfortunately this all carries over into our walk as Christians. 

You will often hear the term “brownie points” when it comes to trying to win God’s favor by doing good. You might think that you are better than other brothers and sisters because you pray more, worship more, and serve more than others. The Lord shows us that this is now how it should be done. What you do for the Lord, you do as servants to him, fulfilling a duty as good workers to the King.

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