Where did the time go? I'm really not sure, Avery took off somewhere with my watch. And now all i can think about is how to get the bannanas out of the carpet while trying to convince Avery not everything goes in the mouth. We sure have had our moments with our little one these days which makes things busy. There has not really been too much to report or we have just doing other things. Mostly from sun up to sun down its all about taking care of Avery to and from day care or doing our day jobs. Avery does enjoy day care of course and now that its warmer she can go outside.
One thing we are concerned with is that her speech skills are behind for her age due to ear infections and other things. We are taking her to a ENT doctor to have them give us some advice, possibly getting tubes in her ears. Hopefully that works since we want our little one to be able to talk to us. Of course she has understanding down pretty well and can pretty much get the point across without words. If she wants food she goes into the kitchen and points to her high chair, then shakes her head at every food choice we put in front of her. So maybe a word or two could help. We will see how that goes, right now its schedualed for two weeks.
As for the yard, the city finally came and picked up the tree mess left over from the ice storm. And our neighbor came by and cut down our trunk in the front yard for us so that was a blessing. Seems like i have a lot of work ahead of me though now regarding the yard mostly and house work. Busy bees that is us. At least we have had the Gilmore girls to get us through the winter, now we are in the final season and spring is upon us. You know its spring when the thunder storms start rolling in. So fun. So wet.
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