Tuesday, April 22, 2008

You try keeping your house in perfect shape, clean and everything in order, day in and day out with a toddler running around. See how it goes. Its been crazy but really kind of exciting at the same time. Not only are we taking a big step of faith, we are learning there is nothing we can do but trust God completly for this. We really want to get some bites and for someone to want to buy the house so we can move and start building on the land. Of course we are also putting money down on that land this evening so that will be another big part of the process. Today since it is my day off i am mostly cleaning out the garage, getting the rest of the stuff over to storage. Of course there is not as much as there was before the sale, but still a lot. And some of it is hard to box up and store simply due to size and shape. But i am working with what i have. For the moment i am coming to you from a coffee shop enjoying some hot chocolate. Then after lunch with Holly i will return home and work more on the garage. The relators are supposed to come by and look at the house this morning. What a day, i just hope it doesnt rain, the clouds are looking a little dark out there.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Busy weekend so far for all of us. Last night we sat down with our agent and talked about selling the house and listing it to see what we come up with. Its a little nerve racking since we do not know if we will be able to get the price we want on it, or if it goes too fast that will push things even faster for us. All of this will be okay and should get insteresting in the days ahead.

This moring we got up at 3 and started getting our garage sale ready to go. We made about 200 by getting rid of a lot of junk we never use, knick knacks, and also a table, desk, some book shelves among other things. So it was a busy morning into the noon time. Then i took care of the lawn and moved two loads to storage. There seems to be still no room in the garage but i suppose that is normal given how empty our house is right now.

Now Avery is playing around the house with her cousin Charlie. Joey and her neice Leslie (Charlie is her daugther). Joey is just helping with some final touches to work we needed done. Its been a long day and tiring but productive very much so. We just pray now that the Lord will bless the sale of the house. That He will give us strength and wisdom in all things. To Him be the glory and praise.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Busy day yesterday, moving things around and trying to get the house ready to be sold. Its hard to believe how much stuff we have. Even more so there is stuff we have not done anything with in years. Hopefully we get rid of most of it this Saturday with our garage sale. Among other things yesterday I got the carpets cleaned, and had the elctricity worked on. The carpets look a whole lot better, but i was not too happy being mislead by them and having them add more to the carpet and then charging me for it after they were done. But at least its cleaner now. Holly did get the koolaid stain out this morning using an iron. She was able to get info online that apparently even the carpet pros could not handle. Last time i use Stanley Steamer, anyway.

Other than all that we also took Avery in for her post opp appt. She of course is doing perfect. Her ears are clear finally, i am so happy about that. Avery loved running around helping daddy with the house too, but mostly she just wanted daddys attention. We went to Rons Hamburgers for some late lunch. I also went and got a small storage unit. Then in the evening the three of us went to the area we want to build out home to pick out a lot. After talking with some of the neigbhors we chose lot 28. We will meet with the builder next week to put some money down on it. Its a great corner lot and I cannot wait to start the process. Of course we have a lot of moving to do with the stuff in our house and also selling our current house. We will work on that some more this Friday evening.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Exciting news for you today. Holly got a job promotion at work and is now the Benefits Administrator! I am so proud of my darling wife. This will be a great opportunity to start learning new things and experiences. It is hard to believe its been almost five years since we got married. Feels like shorter.

We are still busy cleaning and putting stuff up in boxes for storage. There is just too much of it and really i wonder what is important to keep. Since we do want the house to be ready to show off, there is a lot to get out of the way. We are 'staging' our house, or at least trying to. I trust the Lord in this because He is our Lord and Savior and will be with us in this adventure. We know our plans but we trust in the Lords Today we are going to put money down on the lot we want to build on. That is a big step and I believe He will be with us in this.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Last Tuesday we removed all pacifiers or 'biki's' from Avery's reach. She is offically growing up and is ready to move on from them. She does not agree of course but is learning she has no choice.

This week has been pretty busy. We have mostly been cleaning the house with the direct emphasis of our bedroom first. That was a lot of work but the other rooms in the house will be somewhat more. All of this to try stagging the house to sell. At least that is the plan. We hope to be able to sell it on our own to avoid realtor fees, but we will see what we can do.

Yesterday we took five bags of cloths to Salvation Army. Went to Charity's 25th birthday party. And then did more cleaning. Avery did have her check up on her ears and the doctor said she is doing great, her tubes are doing their job. So we are happy. It will be fun to see her pick up new words. Its busy around here now and we are learning to trust God in everything we have ahead. There is so much. Trying to sell we need to put our faith in the Lord for His goodness.

I will mention last night while i was cleaning up the sound system, i noticed several things ratteling around in the large speaker. Avery apparently snuck five eggs and a peg from her pegboard into the hole. I guess it was her little hiding place. It was adorable. I know she has stuck her binki's down there before. Well i will keep you posted on the events ahead.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

We bought Avery a little puppy backpack that has a long tail we can hold onto while we go for walks. She actually really likes it and thinks its fun. Of course she also thinks we feel like going outside and enjoying it more than we do. She is adorable and doesnt understand when its too cold or we are too tired, or we just came back from a walk. Its fun anyway. Life is busy around here. We spent last weekend doing yardwork. I took a sledge hammer to the privacy fence, what was left of it. Now we need to get some quotes on putting up a chain link one. After that we will see what we can do around this house to make it less cluttered. Our house is getting smaller by the day though and we are thinking of putting it on the market and finding a new one. This of course will require a lot of work on our parts. I have no idea how to sell a home. We are thinking if we can sell it we will move in with friends or family for a few months while we build a house. That would give us time to save up for it anyway. Thats the major goal and of course we are still praying for Gods leading in all of this. So keep us in your prayers and pass your ideas along if you have some.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Yesterday was actually very productive around here. It helped that we had hollys mom and sister elizabeth come over to work on mowing the yard and trimming. Holly had already done some weed eating so now our yard looks great. Its a large yard and we both do not want much of a yard next time. Avery enjoyed the time hanging outside while we worked. In other news i also tore down the privacy fence with a sledge hammer. Half of it was gone from the ice storm anyway so this just finished the job. I like the yard better that way. We will get some quotes on putting up a chain link fence.

The lawn mower actually does have a small problem, the door for the grass removal is broken so it just flys right up at you while mowing. I have to find a way to fix that before next week. Also our new propane grill lost a wheel while rolling it into the garage. So that has to be returned now sadly. Just have to buy a new one i guess. I know Holly is looking forward to grilling this summer.

All else has been busy as usual. Avery did get her ear tubes and is doing well now. She gabbles and has said a few words repeating us. She loves saying bye and waving at people though. That is adorable. Shes growing so fast and we need to start her summer wardrobe soon. We have some clothes we bought from an ebay aution, they should arrive soon hopefully. Then we will need some more outfits for our wild girl who will no doubt spend a lot of time wandring around outside. She loves the fresh air. Well enough for now. Its April and that calls for thunderstorms. Not today though, but im sure they will be on their way soon.