The lawn mower actually does have a small problem, the door for the grass removal is broken so it just flys right up at you while mowing. I have to find a way to fix that before next week. Also our new propane grill lost a wheel while rolling it into the garage. So that has to be returned now sadly. Just have to buy a new one i guess. I know Holly is looking forward to grilling this summer.
All else has been busy as usual. Avery did get her ear tubes and is doing well now. She gabbles and has said a few words repeating us. She loves saying bye and waving at people though. That is adorable. Shes growing so fast and we need to start her summer wardrobe soon. We have some clothes we bought from an ebay aution, they should arrive soon hopefully. Then we will need some more outfits for our wild girl who will no doubt spend a lot of time wandring around outside. She loves the fresh air. Well enough for now. Its April and that calls for thunderstorms. Not today though, but im sure they will be on their way soon.
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