Saturday, January 24, 2009

Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, to the younger men as brothers, the older women as mothers, and the younger women as sisters, in all purity. 1 Timothy 5:1-2Do not be so quick to judge your fellow man or woman; for at face value we are all in the same boat of grace. Not one of us can be held higher than another as the Bible reveals all have sinned and fallen short. Still I have found myself in the familiar spot from time to time forgetting who I am and who God is. Consider everyone around you to be a part of your family. In essence this is Paul’s instruction for he knows the love of a family is strongest. And true we can love despite the errors and mistakes, and faults. Throughout the years and my own failings it seems like my family has always been the quickest to forgive and love. We all desire to ask godly since that is what the Lord has commanded. So it is natural for our spirit to rise up within us when someone is around us falling short. Remember how Jesus lived and loved, and still loves us daily. God does not turn His back on His children. We in turn must never turn our backs on each other. For in the family it can go both ways and we want to love others; just as we expect to be loved. Treat men like brothers and women like sisters. This will help in your purity toward them. Be respectful of those older than you; trust the Lord will guide them as He has you. Our Holy Spirit within us shows us daily how much grace we have been given. So remember He is giving grace to each of us, for we are still alive to try again today.

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