As i sit here with my baby girl on my lap in the chill of my parents house, i reflect on the trip so far. I can say this for sure, traveling with a two year old should be avoided if possible, and perhaps would have gone easier if we had given her a little something to make her sleepy. She was already tired and pretty much awake the entire flight screaming her head off making all the other parents on board laugh at memories of their own children being that young. Ah yes.
We are finally in California though and there is a blanket of snow on the mountians. Hopefully today will be warm and sunny and we can enjoy every minute. Part of me wants to hop in the car and go see Jon right now knowing he is at his parents house as well. But that will have to wait till later when they come over after breakfast. It will be so good to see him and Avery will enjoy visiting with Lexi.
So much we will be doing in the next few days, i look forward to the time off. Though leaving work can be hard when you are responsible for so much and you hope its in good hands while you are away. But i cant think about work i need to just relax. At least we are finally here and we will never take a late night flight like that again. Poor miss Avery is so tired, mommy is as well. I seem to be able to operate on four hours of sleep so i think i will make it. My next goal is to find a scanner for some old pics i found here hiding in my parents albums. Those of course way back in the day before digital photos made things so much easier.
Meanwhile i love my dear wife for putting up with the frusteration of tiredness from Avery and me. She is a great wife and i love her so much. Well off to a fun filled day of California.
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