Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week one down!

Diapers need to be changed, bottle nipples need to be sterilized, so much to remember and so much to be done. Still we juggle from one end of the house to the other. From flipping peanut butter sandwiches into school lunch pails, to tossing wet diapers across the room making full court shots to the waste basket. Parenthood is full of craziness. Love every moment of it and cherish every second of being a parent and having children.

Monday started off wishing my wife well as she went back to the workforce after being on bed rest and maternity leave since March. None of us were happy about the event, and I was left standing in the driveway after waving goodbye, thinking to myself, what did I get myself into? True the Lord did lead us down this path, and it made the most sense for me to be the choice to stay at home, but it does not make it any easier. Staying at home with the kids is work, possibly the hardest job I have yet to attempt.

Three days out of the week Avery, who is now four, goes to her preschool to learn and grow. While she is at school it makes it that much easier for daddy to balance the twins and their schedule. Avery loves her school. I have to begin a habit of routine which is kind of new for me, as it requires self discipline. I am my own boss as it is, and stand to be responsible for my own duties. No one is looking over my shoulder, but everything I set out to do, still must be done. My goal is to make it easier for my wife when she comes from a busy day and I head off to my evening and weekend job.

Keeping things tidy around the house is simple with the babies being pretty much non mobile, and when Avery is not wreaking havoc every turn. The real challenge is shopping for food, which I am going to have to work on as it’s a necessity for the family to eat. Even as the babies get older they need more. Last time we managed into the store for cupcakes and water, Avery helped push the buggy while I had the stroller. So it wasn’t too bad. Not sure if it’s easier this way or another just yet.

Giving everything to the Lord is key to the stay at home life. I have spent eight months preparing for this role, but it doesn’t seem to matter because things do not always go perfect. For two years before I married Holly I read over 15 books on the subject of marriage; still I find myself rereading them because I know there are so many areas I have I need work. Same will be true as we progress into this stay at home role. Everything for Christ and His glory, is rule number one. Rule two is do not attempt everything in a day. If something cannot get done, do not push so hard you run weary. This is my first week, there is a long road of learning ahead as I lean on trusting God for every moment.

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