Remember the rooster crowing in the morning right after Peter denied knowing the Lord Jesus? He was standing away from the fire and ignoring the crowds attempt to include him as a follower, then just as prophesied the rooster crowed. Thus began a dark period for Peter as he spent the days following in the darkest coldest period of his life.
Here in Oklahoma the rooster or Thanksgiving day turkey came and the whole state got cold. You could not even guess it was winter till then. Maybe the Peter illustration was a bit much, but it was on my mind to describe the feeling of going directly into the cold. I mean how could Peter, how could any of us deny His presence in our lives. This time of year more than any is all about celebrating Jesus the Messiah. Lights go up, trees get decorated. It is all about the Lord God coming into this world to be one of us, a man, so he could live and die for us all.
Each week drawing us closer and closer to Christmas reminds me evermore of God’s unending love. Its not about how many presents we buy or get, how much candy fills our stocking, or how big a house we have to share with family. Love and only love is what this season teaches. I praise and thank the Lord for all He has taught me this past year about trusting in Him more, coming to Him in our need but not leaving Him out in the cold when He needs us. Okay He doesn’t need anything, but He wants us. More so He came so He could serve, and show us how to serve. He came so He could pay the price for our sins.
My heart may not always be working as fast as my brain. The flesh seems to have control over one or the other. In the end I pray my spirit will always win. Of course the more we feed the one, the stronger it gets and the harder the other side will fight. So command yourself every day to read the Word of God with all readiness of mind and do as the Scriptures teach us, not rules and regulations, but commands to love God and serve and love people.
Reading through my blog or journal for this past year has proven insightful. Even if I neglect the pen and page, I can still type my heart and experience. We all should have such, in order to remember. Remembering is what He wants us to do, this is why the Word of God is a treasure. It’s a reminder of what He has already done. From Adam to Paul we see extraordinary lives playing out the message of His plan for man. He loves us and this is the season to make that love known to all people.
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