Thursday, November 01, 2012

Halloween 2012

This year the family got dressed up and went out on the prowl for free candy… along with everyone else in town. Avery dressed up as Izzy from Jake and the Neverland Pirates. She looks more grown up and beautiful every day. Soon she is going to be a young woman, the years are just going way to fast. Hard to believe really, just want to keep her as my little baby.

Kenneth and Erin went as Luke and Leia Skywalker. They truly looked adorable. Kenneth got right into the spirit of trick or treating. He followed Avery to every door and said, “treat, treat,” Soon as he got the candy he said thank you and was racing off to the next house. Erin hung out in the wagon and waved to everyone. She said “bye, bye.” Could I have any more precious children then these three…. Avery and mommy and daddy got tired out quicker than the twins though. They had way to much sugar, most of which got taken away by daddy.

Now with November 1st here, we look forward to the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Its been busy so far and will continue to be busy. But that’s okay we can enjoy every moment of family time we have and push forward to what is ahead. Thankfully the Lord is with us, and every day we can be thankful for the blessings he has given.

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