Friday, September 16, 2016


Re balance. It is a word I probably would never have thought I would use in relation to my teaching career. And yet here it is. In my case it is referring to what appears to be a standard reallocation of teachers nationwide based on district and school enrollment. Now I see why schools are so pushy about early enrollment and numbers. It is so they know how many teachers they need per student and such. In my case my school had two few first graders so they needed to combine the two classes into one. The first grade teacher moves up a grade and takes on my students while I am re-balanced.

When a re-balance occurs, it typically goes off sonority apparently. In my case by twenty minutes I was the last one hired, which is why I am changing schools. The other new hire teacher seemed a lot more nervous about the prospect of losing her position here, so in a way I am thankful it was not her. Re-balancing is a part of every district and it happens all over the country. Comforting I guess, but not really. It at least happens early in the school year, this is week four. It does not make it easier.

I am really truly going to miss my second graders. I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing them every school day and teaching them all the subjects to help shape their knowledge. I had nineteen which is a lot really, even though I am sure some schools have more per class. You know you are a teacher when you love them, even when they are not always respectful or obedient to the rules.  As for me now I am being reassigned which I am taking as well as I could be.

Re-balanced or reassigned whatever way you want to call it. It is good because it gives me a change to take from my experiences here and grow and learn. My whole curriculum changes over now to fifth grade language arts! This thought excited me quite a bit. I really enjoy English and reading so I can see this being a positive change for me.

So at the moment I am between schools, between assignments, and ready to see what the Lord has in store for me. 

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