Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Colossians 2:9-10

Time goes so quickly it seems. Avery is now five months old and still working on getting the sitting up thing together. Spring is in the air which makes going outside a lot nicer. Winter was long and harsh this year. But now we have new life coming out, which is good since my favorite holiday is coming up here next month. Hope you are doing well this week. Be blessed my friend.

For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority;

Colossians 2:9-10

One of the major topics you will study when going through the Gospel of John is that of the deity of Christ. It was not just that Jesus came as the Son of God, but is God in the flesh in fullness. Jesus makes the point to tell the people that He and the Father are one; he claims to be the very voice that spoke to Moses from the burning bush. It was these claims that had him almost stoned several times and eventually crucified. For He was God among the people, and as the people, we killed him.

Our Lord came to the earth to walk in human form and experience life in order for us to know Him better. We can rejoice because our Lord knew what every emotion feels like, understood temptation and how to resist it, and He also knew that it was okay to mourn over the loss of a loved one. He came to show us that being a human does not mean being a natural sinner, for He lived a holy and sinless life. He also came as the head over all things; but presented himself as the servant of all.

Every earthly power and heavenly authority comes under the headship of Christ our Lord. He is above all and through Him we have life. We are made complete because of who He is and what He does through us. Think about that. The Lord God dwells in you in order to lead you through this life to do good things and be like Him. In all things He guides us, and has the power over all. 

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