Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Well after a long week i am almost done with the flu and still working on the cold. Holly is also working on the same germs as well, they seem to be flowing around our house a lot lately. Avery is doing much better though then she was over the winter. It seems that over night our trees have started blooming and its time for spring. Which means its also time for me to pull out the mower and get it ready for a new season of lawn care. Sounds great....not really.

Other wise we are still working hard and enjoying the days we have. I love coming home to my wife and baby after a long day. Its harder now because Avery knows we are dropping her off at day care and wont even look at us or will cry when we try to leave her there. I hate having to do that. But it is so good to see her when i get home. Keeps me going.

Jon and i are working on getting this new website going for our familes to keep charing the Word of God and our lives together. That is the current big project. I also have a number of things im trying to work on for church. Life just gets busy, but that is normal. Do everything to the Lord though, that is the main thing. And keep praising Him.

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