Saturday, August 04, 2007

Psalm 1:3-6

It’s an amazing thing to realize that we can never exhaust the Word of God fully. We can study it our whole lives and not even come close to a complete understanding. Yet every step is a new adventure and treasure and what is why we get into it really. God is good and with us always.

He shall be like a tree
        Planted by the rivers of water,
        That brings forth its fruit in its season,
        Whose leaf also shall not wither;
        And whatever he does shall prosper.
The ungodly are not so,
        But are like the chaff which the wind drives away.
Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment,
        Nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.
For the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
        But the way of the ungodly shall perish.
Psalm 1:3-6

Psalm one gives us a picture of the godly and the ungodly; their contrasting works and their ultimate destiny. First for the man who seeks after the Lord and does love the Word, he is like a tree by the river. Think about trees and how they go through various seasons. It helps to live in a climate where we have harsh winter and harsh summer. When the tree is going through the darkest of months it still holds on to the warmth of the earth through its roots, in the same way we hold on the Word of the Lord.   
Another thing about trees is that they bear fruit in their own season. It takes a lot of time during off season to prepare for the harvest that will come. Take comfort in this as you wait and struggle with what the Lord is doing with you. You never know what fruit he is planning to produce out of your life.
Ungodly are expressed here as the chaff which the harvesters would toss into the wind, leaving all the good grain to fall back to the ground. These are those would will be judged based on their own works and found guilty. There are no rewards for them, only destruction ahead. This could bring you comfort knowing the Lord will bring justice to those who have not trusted in Him. We know that one day the Lord will get rid of sin for good.
Finally, we must know which way we are walking and if that is with the Lord in all things. Trust in Him and know He is rewards of those who diligently seek him. Consider this Psalm as a reminder to keep studying the Word so your fruit will be a blessing and you will continue to be used by Him.

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