As a husband, father, and teacher I feel there is a lot to be said about reflecting on life's experiences. Through reflection we gain wisdom and growth. Keeping a journal and a blog are two ways I get to reflect and share insights and life with everyone.
Monday, December 28, 2009
We cannot look ahead without looking back and learning from out mistakes and faults. Every trial, every accomplishment, every moment is preparing us for the next. If we do not learn from our mistakes and acheivements we lose the value and experience we could gain.
The year included a lot of false starts and set backs to plans. As i look back though even when the time was a struggle, there was always a provision to take us through to the next moment. We still end up on our feet by the end of the day because the Lord is the one in control. This world is in chaos, but He is always firm and in control.
We must look ahead with hope and trust into the new year, not fear, not doubt. Difficulties have been on the rise of course. Ecomominically, finaicially, spiritual darkness in ths world. I must trust the Lord with all my heard and trust not in my own understanding. 2010 will be a year to hope to rise back up from dissapointment. I decided to quit trying to sell Avon for one. They claim to be there and helpful when you need it but that didnt work out well. They also kept messing up the orders i put in, or putting things on back order constantly. So for now at least I am pulling out. Now i will concentrate more on school, on my Bible study, and on my family.
Christmas was another amazing time, busy, and enjoyable. We had a white Christmas, the snow is still very present for that matter. All is done and a whole house is left to be cleaned. Might also need to start purging some of these clothes and toys this kid never wears or plays with. So much to be said, we might need to do the old missionary clean sweep. You know like when you have to leave on a trip and can only take so much. We will see. So the year ahead we are praying for blessings, for things we did not get this year. With all the set backs we had we hope for even more doors to be open ahead of us in the time ahead.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Daddy is not much of a blogger these days, guess it comes from spending too much time fetching things around the house for the princess. Avery played the part of Dorthy for Halloween. She enjoyed filling her Mickey Mouse bucket up door to door, really got into the season this year. I look forward to getting down the tree in a few days so she can help us put it up. Can't believe its that time already.
Avery is a busy little three year old, still working on keeping us on our toes. Try to get her to sleep in her room which is not easy, she was spoiled from birth what can i say? Yes it was all daddy's fault.
We approach Thanksgiving now, looking forward to what is ahead. Grace and peace be with each moment.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Our new kitty B ella has managed already to get under our skin, the skin of our couch to be more exact. Claw marks abound but we still love the little rat, I mean cat. Too late to return the couch and really Avery is her best friend. Good to have a little adventure though, keeps us all on our toes, or tripping depending on where the cat is at any given moment.
We are both so busy with work its hard to get any time for much else, though we do get to enjoy the down time when its near. Weekends are even busier this time of year, and of course there is plenty of programs to enjoy on television. Avery enjoys her Curious George and Dora, and pretty much anything else. Avery is fond of NCIS too which she pronounces just as it looks, never could figure out why. She even bought daddy a NCIS hat for a birthday present to go along with mommy’s gift; an Ipod radio alarm clock.
Now Avery’s birthday approaches and we have so much to get ready for our little Veggie Tale party. My parents will be flying for the week too. This week I have been using my time productively and trying to stay away from the computer as much as possible to get more done. Seems like no matter how much I work at the ever growing mound more continues to appear. And I am talking house work here not my normal job. We are given this week off unpaid since there is not enough to get done for the time being. It will pick up soon. So my goals have been to clean the rooms and try to remove as much clutter as possible. Hard since I enjoy so much of what I own. But is it really being useful to me in a box hiding in the attic? So this week is my down week of busy house cleaning to do. Our energy bills will be more efficient now that our house is fully insulated. Only problem is I need to repaint a wall in the living room where a crack was left during the beginning stages of their work. I need to work on school stuff as well and really start putting more of an effort into my studies. Really would be helpful to apply what I am learning in the computer networking degree. I am tired of things not seeming to go the way we want them to go or plan. Seems like its been the same way for so long now. I hold onto the hope and seek the joy of the Lord in everything I do. Must continue to press into trusting, even when its hard.
Monday, September 14, 2009
My latest side project has already begun in the form of selling Avon products. Reminds me I have much to do on the web training today. Its going alright so far since I just started, I guess it will be picking up as I go, just going to take some time to get out there. .. we also bought a new kitty and Avery named her Bella. She is a pretty black kitty who is going to get declawed today! Since we also bought a new couch we kind of want to protect it best we can at this point. Between Avery and the kitty we may be in trouble. And we got a recliner which I love sitting in, very nice chair. Life otherwise is pretty much going as it always has, fast and crazy as usual. But I really just like to focus on the immediate and what we are doing. So continue in your prayers for things to come, for God’s richest blessings to shower down in our time and desire. We seek His face.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Pastor Danny suggested I pick up this book called Absolute Surrender by Andrew Murray. The man was a minister and writer a century ago. His book so far is of course very good and I am trying to grasp this whole topic for my own life. Of course i want my life to be surrendered over to God completly. He cannot use just half of me afterall, so the hard part is giving in fully. He has richly given us so much in this. We have a beautiful home which of course we are still trying to sell. We have a wonderful kid and still want more. Still thankful for all we have in this time. I know God has blessed us so much.
This point in the year all of my favorite fall decor beings to arrive in stores. We know my birthday and Averys are close. Hollys is close too since its in December. Now is when so much starts getting planned for our soon to be three year old and her Veggie tale party. Going to be quite a show. I have so much to do myself to get ready, but i will have some extra time on my hands to do so i gather.
We will sit back and press ahead then in prayer and faith knowing God is in control and will be watching over us at all times.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Avery likes the summer time as it means more Pool time fun and enjoying the long days. It is strange having it be so light outside when its so late in the day. Just dont get used to that. She is talking up a storm these days, this and that. She is a little bird chirping back to you whatever you say. Shes like that and its fun. And she is very sure of herself and helpful. She wants to do things her way or she is upset. So we do adjust and let her be a little grown up when she wants and a kid when she needs to be. Its all in the growing pains.
We are praying for wisdom in these days. Seems like we may never sell our house at this point, and part of me is beginning to think that is what God is wanting. Maybe we are better off staying with it and just adapting to the small room we have for our family. We do want to expand someday though, and hopefully start that process soon. So we seek God for all He wants.
Every day is busy and it seems to be only more so. Which is good the economy is getting better and this becomes obvious in our daily work. School is going alright for the moment as i am talking my final math class required. Just praying i make it out with a B. So far that is what i have so the idea is to hold it strong.
Going to wait and see what the Lord has ahead. Going to try pressing in and learning where we need to let go and what we need to live without. Hang in and hold on. Looking forward and trying to keep from looking back.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
This past week was wonderful with my sister being in town. Avery has loved every minute of it and i am not looking forward to any goodbyes. Makes it pretty difficult and also makes me wish the Lord would just move us to California to be closer to my family out there. For now though we are here in Oklahoma waiting and wondering what He is doing. Honestly its hard to know. We still have a house on the market which honestly is driving me the most crazy. I Would just like to get rid of it and move onto something new in life.
Avery have been calling everything her own and Diane is the most of it right now. Its 'my diane' every moment of the day. Why not she loves her fun Aunt! Its great to see and i look forward to getting out there in the Fall to see her again. I am going to really miss her. But we had a great week, got a pool, played games. The pool is being a pain trying to find level ground on but otherwise fun when we do get it working. I had the week off which made it easier to have time to hang out.
Now we are still praying for new things to enter into our lives, special prayers for different things. Got to be honest its hard but I trust Him for everything. I want to give Holly every one of her hearts desires all the time. To make her happy and give her joy. So I pray this to the Lord, that He give her the desires of her heart and the desire of mine which is the same.
Sitting here this early thinking about all the Lord has done reminds me that I am His and have been a very selfish servant of His. I need His mercy and grace all the more because i cannot stand in His presence. He is way to Awesome. So i fall down before Him and seek His face. I do not know what is ahead of us but I trust Him. I seek Him to give us the desires of our heart.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Fathers day was wonderful once again having my bride and baby girl there. Hopefully soon we will add to our little family as well. Going to be working on that soon. The day was good and it was really good to have my wife back from her trip to Branson. I am blessed by her in every way. Avery is growing so fast and taking so well now. She is very 'so it myself' among her other words. Just too precious.
You know i have never been too good with words, i write them better than i speak most of the time. I know i should never compare myself to others but it does happen, maybe its just an inner longing to use my degree in Bible and teach people. Going to be training a lot now. Being Tuesday here i am waiting for my 6pm class to get rolling, Math 2. Not my best subject but shouldnt be so bad. At least its a good start toward another degree. Though no matter what nothing can pull me from wht the Lord desires. Wish i knew all or more, but i can only trust.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
On duty for Sunday school I am tommrow. It is Fathers Day so i guess i cant back down on a bunch of little ones on the one day of the year they need a daddy the most. Okay every day is that day for the little ones.
[slight pause while i had to squash a spider. Hol would not have liked that one on being on the couch and all]
Avery is having to relearn all the swim school lessons and i am mad at myself for taking time off from them at this point. She is no where close to being comfortable in the pool. Got to work on it. This week we also made a difficult choice of getting rid of our real estate agent, three weeks before the contract was up anyway. He had gotten a second job a few months ago and never told us till we asked him about it. He hardly seemed as excited about the whole process of trying to it sold, to be honest i lost my respect and confidence in him. Now we are going to drop the price and do for sale by owner to see if we can get any hits. No rush so we just need to wait and see. Must hang on and trust God.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
My imagination has created many stories and adventures in my young adult life. Usually they were stories leading from day to day fun, and often they were acting out real life history. Since my young age I was dragged to church every Sunday. Week after week of Sunday school trying to memorize the same passages for so long and having no luck. My imagination couldn’t do it but that was okay for me. I did memorize some.
I learned about the creator of the universe and how He came to earth in human form to die on a cross for my sin. My sin would be any evil thought or action done that would violate the good, the pure, the right. I could not imagine how this could be so. But I believed it. I believed it because when I would sit alone and speak out my words of faith to the air. I felt comforted that I was not just talking to air but to God.
My church background has been various and multi denominational. I grew up in a atmosphere where the Pastor took the Bible seriously and believed everyone should know how to read and study the Word. Worship was always a good time for people to express their hearts before God and get ready for the sermon. There was never any jumping up and down in the aisles and doing cartwheels. Up until Jr. high the Church was good and conservative in their approach to Christian behavior.
From the middle of Jr. High on through into college I attended a Church called Water of Life. They came up with that name because most non-believers are turned off by the Church these days. They are also backed up by Jack Hayford and Dan Sneed, both strong leaders in the Foursquare faith. Water of Life taught me how to be real in worship and how to connect my heart to the living God who wanted more than just memorized songs. I began to lift up my hands in worship and even stand on my toes to get to the throne of Heaven. The Church itself is non-denominational and I would rather be known as a totally devoted follower of Christ than anything else.
When I changed churches (to Water of Life) I really began to grow closer in my walk with God. I would attend more prayer meetings and enjoy them more then before. I was getting used to the gifts of the Holy Spirit and learning more about the Bible every day I could. I believe that the gifts are given by the Spirit to be used by Him in our lives to bring Glory to God. There is no limit to the amount of Gifts the Spirit has or gives, but no one person will ever possess all the gifts all of the time.
I grew up on a radio series called Adventures in Odyssey with Focus on the Family. They along with other teachers and Pastors have disciple me from my youth. I credit Chuck Missler of Koinonia House, and Kay Arthur of Precept Ministries as well as my Pastor at Water of Life for much my education. When I moved to Water of Life I got involved in the High School youth group. I was one of those kids who sits on the curb reading or minding my own. I would sit at tables eating lunch trying to make friends and yeah I had a couple here and there. But no real good ones. I always thought back to my good friends from grade school and Jr. high school. I wished and prayed God would send me a best friend in high school.
I prayed every day throughout my freshmen year for a best friend. Soon the year ended and a new one started. I started journaling the first day of 10th grade, which I am very thankful I did. This is because I have record of God answering my prayers. In Tenth grade I met my best friend and still is my best friend. Jon came into my grade from a life of home schooling. Jon was always a very bright kid and also was unlike most kids; like me! I got along well with Jon and his brother Ben. They became my best friends throughout the rest of school. Ben was one year ahead of us so he had to graduate before us, which was fine since he was still around. We had all sorts of adventures together and marveled that God would put a “David” and “Jonathan” together. This is because of the two Bible Characters who had the greatest friendship known in the Old Testament. We as well were great friends.
I mention Jon because he is just one of the major things that prove God is working in my life. Another is my beautiful wife Holly! I had prayed for her for so long even before I knew who she was. Only God’s leading could have brought us together through the internet and chatting. We became friends and in December 17, 2001 I asked her to marry me. Our wedding was June 14th 2003, and with each passing day I love her more.
The Bible is the most influential I have ever read. It is also the only Book I will read more then once over and over again. Bible teachers have revealed so many amazing things found in the scripture that I desire to find them myself. It is a dream of mine to study ever word in the Scripture some day, and teach it to people. The Bible has the answers to life’s real questions and is always there when you really need it. Studying this Book should every Christian’s priority. I have a Christian background and a promising future with God in control. My life is in His hands and I will go where He leads me next. In May of 2005 I graduated with my BA in Pastoral Ministry and Bible from Life Pacific College in California.
On October 19th, 2006 our beautiful daughter Avery was born. Watching her grow brings so much joy to our lives. We continue toward what the Lord has in store for us knowing He has great plans. We will have ups and downs, better moments and worse moments, all in all we are together in this grand adventure of life. I am anxious to see what the Lord has waiting for me and my family.
Friday, May 29, 2009
The adventure countinues trying to sell our lovely home, seems like its been too long now. We have at least one interested person currently and we hope after today's showing, she makes an offer. Because i am getting really tired of trying to sell this house, but i know it is in the Lords hands. Now is a good time to get a new house so we got to hang on! The Lord is good we can trust Him now and for all things ahead.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Avery is growing up too fast, i hardly can tell when i go to pick her up at school. Hard to believe and of course she is learning new words every day. Holly was on the treadmill and she shouts out dont run mommy, walk! We were doing potty time and chased a fly around the bathroom, we flushed it and she said no no fly bye bye. It was great. She has the sweetest little voice ever and is always coming up with things that blow me away.
Summer is approaching although you cant tell with all the rain we have had lately. I will say this though, i will be happy when i have less grass to mow. Hopefully that will be soon. We are waiting on someone to make an offer then we can finally move. We will be closer to work which is good and in a town with more to do. Not that i am opposed to small towns, but i am used to bigger ones from CA.
So for now we just sit and wait, thinking about what is ahead and looking forward to more to come. I dont know what it will look like, but we will keep going strong.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Avery is impressing us more and more with her increased vocuabulary! She says dinners ready mommy, daddy where are we going, and all sorts of stuff. We have a little child in our midst. My dad enjoyed his stay with us but afterward bought me a book by James Dobson on raising a strong willed child. Its good so far, very helpful.
Work is good for both of us right now things are going well. The ecomony is still causing some trouble but i think we will make it through and as summer comes it will pick up. Which is good since we are going to try to have another baby this summer, so all should be very busy. Along with trying to sell the house very very busy.
Mothers day is drawing near so i need to make some good plans to take care of the mommy world, which reminds me i need to get the cards and get those ready to go. I really should learn not to wait till 10 at night to do everything i need to get done. Much too much trouble. So while i attempt to involve myself more and more it seems like its harder and harder. But the Lord seems to be telling me that i spend way to much time saying i cant when i really am saying i wont. So I need to do the things i know i need to do and not say otherwise. So that is the mystery of life. We fight on.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Avery had a great time last weekend for Easter. Saturday was great weather so the day out with granny and the church easter egg hunt was a lot of fun. I know Avery enjoyed herself. She is quiet the little indepedent these days, wanting to do everything herself and have a say in everything. Its getting warmer now so she can enjoy more time outside and I know she loves the dirt puddles. She will find one when she can, even when no one else seems to.
Its hard watching the season end as far as television. I confess the final episode of ER is sitting unwatched on my tv waiting for Holly and I to finally give in and watch it. I dont like seeing stuff go, when there really is less and less good to watch. We are catching up now on some older shows. We are in season eight of Frasier, they really dont make them that funny anymore.
We have the house back on the market and hopefully some interest is brewing. So many things ahead for us. Hol and I have so much to pray about and consider, we want to have another baby soon as well, maybe this summer. I would like a springtime kid to go along with Avery's fall birthday time.
I am keeping up with facebook, while my blog and my journel go untouched. I hope my company starts to see an increase soon, I know it will. Its good to trust the Lord in times such as these. trust In HiM.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Hollys mom came over last night to help organize the kitchen. We are getting set for another Spring garage sell since we truly have way to much stuff and not enough room for it all. Tonight we will be heading out to Hot Topic for a Twilight release party to get the DVD and enjoy feeling like we are young again. Sat night we have a party at our house for the movie and enjoyment with friends.
Work has been good and i am still there which is really good. We have all been struggling to get by with the shape the country is in, but we must push through. This is a strong land and our Lord will be with us. I know even when things get hard He is always faithful. There is nothing needed to say.
Avery is of course growing more every day. She is getting a lot better with her words and saying things. It all takes time, still working on the ptty time too. Its eary and that is about the sum of things for the moment.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Thursday morning was spent mostly on the back porch watching Avery have a blast since it was 70 degrees, sunny and the grass was very green. So of course she had a great time away from the cold and brown land we have been used to since fall and winter. We got a kick out of watching her fun and play. She even got used to the doggies. She picked up on a lot more words during the trip. It helped to have my parents, sisters, and Uncle Jason there to help. We all gave her lots to say and learn.
Jon and his family arrived and we spent more time on the porch. Then just our little family and theirs headed to the park for lunch. This was the same park i asked Holly to marry me. We watched Lexi and Avery play and enjoy the park together. It was a blast seeing them together and after they got used to each other they became best friends. At first they were shy, but by the end they were leading eachother hand in hand, it was great! Something about those girls, I am looking forward to watching them grow. It was great to have time with Jon and Jess. I gave Jon a copy of the Love Dare book featured in Fireproof. We are going to go through it and keep each other accountable as we learn to love our wives even more. It was hard to see them go but i know we will see them again.
Later that evening I took Holly to the Sycamore Inn the night we were engaged. I owed her a cheese cake, which turned out to be divine! I think i would go back there just for that cheese cake. Anyway it was a wonderful eveing. Friday was mostly stay at home day though we did make it out to the mall a little to show Avery the RainForest cafe. It was good just to spend time with my parents and sisters. Saturday was beach day. We all went out to the hunington dog beach for some fun. Jason wasnt able to go, but the rest of us did along with the two dogs. My sister had her dog along with her.
Avery enjoyed every minute of the ocean and beach as soon as daddy made sure she understood it was safe. We collected shells and felt the sand in our toes! It was so much fun. Sunday was more time spending with family. We also played this future version of Risk which is really fun. I won which never happens so that was a nice treat. I will try to get pics up of the weekend later to show off. Just wanted to recap though.
Its hard to leave California everytime we have to. Being apart from family leaves you with something missing from your life. But I know we will be together again soon for more fun. And I will keep myself busy taking care of my beautiful wife and daugther and see what we can get into. Its also good to have Hollys side of the family here too, it makes it a little easier. All for now, got to get to bed!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
We are finally in California though and there is a blanket of snow on the mountians. Hopefully today will be warm and sunny and we can enjoy every minute. Part of me wants to hop in the car and go see Jon right now knowing he is at his parents house as well. But that will have to wait till later when they come over after breakfast. It will be so good to see him and Avery will enjoy visiting with Lexi.
So much we will be doing in the next few days, i look forward to the time off. Though leaving work can be hard when you are responsible for so much and you hope its in good hands while you are away. But i cant think about work i need to just relax. At least we are finally here and we will never take a late night flight like that again. Poor miss Avery is so tired, mommy is as well. I seem to be able to operate on four hours of sleep so i think i will make it. My next goal is to find a scanner for some old pics i found here hiding in my parents albums. Those of course way back in the day before digital photos made things so much easier.
Meanwhile i love my dear wife for putting up with the frusteration of tiredness from Avery and me. She is a great wife and i love her so much. Well off to a fun filled day of California.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
that evening we went to the Air and Space Planetarium where they had a Romance under the stars. It was very fancy, formal, and awesome. We sat under the dome watching the stars along with other people including some board members. It was a great time and very enjoyable Valentines day. Holly got me a new phone and I got her a plate setting Fiestaware Chocolate. Avery got a large stuffed ladybug plush friend. Ill get a pic when i can and post it! Ah so on to the next big holiday which isnt for another month and a half, that being Easter!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Fireproof is a highly recommended movie, so lets talk about why i think so for a moment. First of all it is a well directed and acted movie. Its got action and the story of love written all over it. It shows us how difficult marriages can be but why they are worth fighting for and working at. We bought the DVD and have watched it several times already, a great reminder every day of not only the love we are to have for each other but the love we are to have for God.
Facebook is proving to be a pretty neat way to connect with old friends and people from all over. The furthest out is David in Japan who works with the YWAM, he is out there working on a school of worship. Its a fine ministry and we commit to helping him and his wife and their three children as they work there. I remember the blessing we had from others while we were in ministry so i know how important it is to share in the work.
As i grow more tired here i am excited as well at the future and what God will do. Holly and I are looking forward to Valentines day since its on a Sat and we can enjoy the whole day together. We also still look to selling our home and trying for another baby. These are the desires of our hearts and we put them out there for the Lord and His will. We trust Him now and always. So even in the hard times we continue to give to His will.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
On top of that my wifes car is still in the shop being fixed after my tailgate accident a few weeks ago. So she has to drive my darling 10 year old car. I at least have a ride since my brother in law and i work at the same place so he can drive me in. The ice storm came through last night making the roads real fun to drive on... well you know what i mean. So its going to take some time to get back on to gear. I should have a new hard drive for my computer in a couple days and will get going from there hopefully.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Last year was a very difficult year for us, between job changes and trying to sell our house there was much struggle. Holly went through a job change in mid summer which has worked out for her now, though it will be better next month once we can get onto her insurance. We have been on mine for a while now and its just not the greatest, we would have saved more money not having it at all probably. After losing my job in May and going through that period of hopelessness i finally found a job in July thanks to my brother in law and the Lord's provision. Its hard though because we literally took a 70% pay cut compared to what i was making. I don't know what the exact numbers are but its been hard.
When we begin to lose the battle for freedom in our own lives as must trust God. Trusting Him is something He has been laying on my heart lately to do. I had been trying to decide on giving but did not know the answer. Last Wed a fellow brother in Christ and co worker reminded me completely out of the blue just what i needed to hear. God will use other people to speak into our lives, but its always regarding something He has already been dealing with us. We were talking about our paychecks which come on Thursday, and he made mention of still how important it is even though our paycheck is going right to the bills, its important to give back to God in tithe. Offer back what He has given to us. Amazing since he had no idea this had been on my heart.
So my challenge is to trust God now even more. If i do not give even when the times are hard I am not showing i believe His Word or even His voice through my friend at work. So no matter how difficult the road gets ahead trying to cut back all we can should not cut back our giving back to Him. For that matter he is the one who keeps us going every day, has blessed us with work to do, and given us grace to accomplish all things for Him.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A little closer to home I am currently waiting here at the ITT computer library for my class to begin. I discovered i new hobby online, that is the facebook. Its cool because it allows me to catch up with old friends from high school, and Water of Life youth group. I forgot how many people there are i used to interact with on a daily basis out in California. Seems like i am living in a different world in Oklahoma with a whole new crowd of people. Hopefully I can find my place at our home church here in much the same way. My spirit is yearning to be involved with what God is doing, and I pray He leads us and gives us wisdom. Its my desire to be the man of God my wife and daugther need. I work hard toward the goal, but struggle. I guess we all do.
So times are going by fast. Watching the market carefully and hoping we can sell our house so we can move into a better area. Also waiting and praying for the right time to work on having a second child. We want to start working on that in the summertime. Avery could really use a sibling to run around with. I will trust God. So between busy at work and school, time with family, and time online there is not much more. I look forward to catching up with some old friends i havent heard from in a while. Makes me smile when i think about how far God has brought me since highschool. Married to the best wife a man could ask for, and father to an amazing toddler who is the expression of her parents in such amazing ways. She is a load of fun. Well thats all the updating for now....
Saturday, January 10, 2009
So with the new year and excitment there is also the overwelming task of saving and making it through a difficult ecomomy currently plauging the world. I have made my new years resolutions, or more or less desires for the new year. Hard to believe the first month is already almost up. My goals and hopes are set though on getting a new house and a new baby on the way by this time next year. I know it sounds crazy, even more so with the straps the world is in right now. But the last thing i want to do in a time like this is allow it to keep me from living life and enjoying what the Lord has in store. So we need to keep in prayer for both of these desires.
Avery continues to come up with new words and strengthen her vocabulary. For example she can repeat pretty basic words and point things out, flowers, train, moon (she loves the moon). She also knows who mommy and daddy are as well as knows us by Holly and David too if we ask her to point us out. She can say Diane, Laurie, Cole, Haye, Beth, for her five aunts. She also is working on her last name which is coming along. She understands more than she can say of course, though she is a wise and wild child, still very much a toddler. I think she really could use a sibling! So could mommy and daddy. And a nap too, which is what both my girls are doing now.
We bought a treadmill and Wii for Christmas and have been enjoying those greatly. Its nice to go for a stroll from the comfort of my own guest room, not having to worry about the weather or any other distraction, just listen to the quite music and enjoy. And of course I am also enjoying the game system in between doing school work. Right now I am working on my math courses, so there is a lot of catching up and remembering to do with that. Its been a while!
I got done watching You've Got Mail for the hundreth or so time, I love that movie. It really just captures the whole excitment me and Holly felt when we were doing the whole net chatting and emailing thing so long ago. Times have changed so much though, i hate to even think about letting my own daugther online. Its just not the same world it was ten years ago. Ten years ago this November is when she first emailed me. I read that email every year, makes me smile and be so thankful God brought us together.
Okay enough of that i need some ice cream!!