They also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven." Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey away. Acts 1:9-14
What would you be doing in light of Jesus’ soon return? The disciples wondered every day if Jesus would return during that moment or later. Centuries have passed and we are all still looking up to the sky for that return. But we must not just sit around and wait without doing more. The disciples lead the way in prayer as they gathered with all the disciples and the women who followed Jesus closely. Together as brothers and sisters we are called into prayer and being one mind. By being one mind we are to be unified under the same banner of Christ and all that He did for us. Our prayer lives are not just something else we should do, it is something we have to do. Therefore get together and pray often, and don’t stop.
Wouldn’t you want to stand and stare after someone you loved departed or took flight? The disciples were probably wondering where Jesus was going and how long He would be before returning. But the disciples did not remain on the hill discussing the many theories of Christ’s return, nor did they speak about who the beast of Revelation might be. The Lord had other plans which were to move them off of that hill and into His purpose for the Church. So many of us are still standing on the hill, looking up to heaven, trying to figure out just when He might return. We think we have it all figured out as soon as a few people throw some bombs at each other and declare war. It is important to be paying attention to the signs of the times, but not as important as it is for us to be a sign pointing to Christ. The Lord did not put the Church here so it could sit on a hill, but so it could be the light to nations to the grace and love of God.
Jesus will return, do not let anyone take that one thing from you. Rather than just sitting around looking up we should remember the race we are to be running which is to bring all men to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, for the time is short before He does return.
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