Weekday nighttime NICU nurses seem to be more fun and energetic. At least the ones we have had today and this evening seem this way. Holly, Avery, and daddy went to dinner after being at the hospital for all afternoon. It is good to get out every so often, though it seems like we pretty much eat and live in the city these days. Just have to be close to our babies.
Little Kenneth is doing so well, the doctor even said he was making fun of the system. Guess he is taking all of his food by bottle and has been good with his heart rate for the last several days now. He is a good 5lb 8.6oz at measurements tonight. Wish we had a little gram scale at home, we will miss knowing these numbers once we get them home. He may actually be coming home this week in fact, just a few more days. Having him home will make things interesting at the Bowlby house, sure hope we are ready for baby.
As soon as we got in this evening we were excited to see our little Erin reach the four pound mark! She is 4 and .4 ounces. Never thought it would make me smile so much to see 4, but the Lord has been so good to us. He is providing and watching over us. So we did the happy dance as we always do, I know the nurse loves to watch us when we get into the room. It is good to see some uplifting when so many babies take a long time to struggle and get there. Still a ways to go with her, but she will get there. She’s more of a diva they call her, she milks attention then goes back to sleep. She mostly likes to sleep in the day and be awake at night, which unfortunately is the opposite of her brother. He likes to eat when he’s hungry then go back to sleep, but he is awake more in the day.
Little Avery is heading to preschool for her first day tomorrow. She is of course very excited. I am looking forward to hearing how it goes. School is going to be good for her to have this in the midst of the new babies and all, since it something belonging to her and her alone. So happy tears as we see both our little girls growing up, happy dances too.
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