Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring cleaning meets Extreme Makeover meets clutter!

Battling around the idea of replacing our kitchen cabinets is not a new idea, rather one which has been going on for the last five years. Since we moved in we knew something had to change eventually. So now we have begun the demolition process. Step one was to of course get some quotes and ideas for installation. Today we started tearing everything out, which of course leaves lots of bags and boxes of food and dishes all over the house. Just a little too much hoarding if you ask me. Should be great when its all done though, new kitchen and new floors sound great. Might help sell the house in the future too…. Avery is battling with the letters and recognizing various sounds of letters. This is the main thing we are going to be spending all summer working on I am sure. She does not want to fall behind during the summer, and since she is stuck home with daddy and the little ones, we have a lot to do. Onward! Kenneth is apparently allergic to orange or citric juice at least. We tried a new medley at dinner last night and poor little guy broke out in a rash of hives. He is okay now of course, but we need to watch this for future reference. He is doing better with sitting on his own now, still I wouldn’t go leaving him that way without a pillow to stop his fall. Miss Erin is being the same cute adorable little one she always has been since birth. Shes wiry but loves to look at you and be looked at in return. Big smiles from that kid all around…. We look forward to our upcoming trip to California to see the family and Disneyland! Cant wait, though I do not like the whole airline thing when traveling with small children.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Who moved my binki?

Today I followed myself around with my quick snap camera, capturing a day in the life of our twins. It was special! Okay so the day pretty much was like any other, I mean when do I not taking pictures of my beautiful children? Even at seven months, Erin and Kenny know how to turn on the charm for flash photography.

Speaking of maturity, or at least a sense of desire I have to share this brief moment of the twins on the chair. I often put both of the babies on my easy chair, aka ‘daddy’s chair.’ Kenny had fallen asleep with his pacifier; Erin was eyeing it with want. She took her little hand and reached over and pulled it from his sleeping suck and got it into her mouth before I had the time to think of grabbing the camera! The one day I actually purposefully followed them with it too! Goodness it was cute.
Avery scored her first goal in soccer last Saturday. After a brief pep talk from daddy where I informed her to play well and make her Aunt’s proud. She got after the ball and made it into the goal, and people cheered around her. She did not even know she make the goal at first, she just went to mommy saying, ‘mommy I tried to make the goal.’ It was quite a proud moment. One of those moments you are glad to be a mommy and daddy. Love my kids so very much.

Now with spring in fully swing, I will ignore the lingering weather reports of potential freezes yet to come. We have even more work to do around the house and yard as well. Its easier to call in help for the yard though, since I cant really operate heavy machinery and watch the kids at the same time. So I will leave that to some professionals. Along with trying to remodel the kitchen and get new flooring as well. So much to do in this house, I mean we have been here five years now, which seems to have gone fast.
As we gather closer to Easter I have been doing even more reflection on life and ministry. Seeking to be a Servant of His in every way I can, in whatever way He desires. As long as I make myself available, He will be able to use me. The hard part of keeping up without priorities and making sure we keep Him first. As a parent and husband I need to be the Spiritual head of this family. Once I learn to being leading and directing things, we will discover even more for what God has for our lives.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Way back into Spring

Kenneth and Erin celebrated seven months two days ago. Really hard to believe time has really gone that fast. It does though, all the time. We look up and realize our children are not babies, and our babies are not as newborn as they once were. How exciting!

Avery joined soccer for the Spring, so far it is not going as well as we would like. She seems to be very self focused and does not get the whole team work principle. Also she needs to work on following directions from the coach more. So now that it is warming up in the afternoon, the babies and me need to get out more to help her get focused on her game.

There was two weeks full of a snow blizzard last month, we hope now winter is gone and Spring is really on the way. This only makes for a lot more work in the retail world, so my nights and weekends are pretty full. I have never worked harder in my life, but it is truly worth it to keep the babies out of the daycare system. Just have no clue what I will do when they are all in school. Maybe I will just leave that to the Lord, He knows.

Our new laptop screen should be here soon to replace the one which got stepped on. Guess no one can be blamed for such damage when we leave the computer on the floor anyway. We are a very portable family, most of our time is spent by and near the couch. Which reminds me, we have a couch for sale, we need a new one.

Right now the next step is a remodel of the kitchen and floor in preparation to sell this beautiful home of ours and get something bigger. Our little family is only getting bigger for this one. But the Lord knows once again, so we leave all of these things in His hands.