Thursday, May 31, 2007

Amos 4:13

Praise the Lord who is great and Mighty over all things. I pray He will bless you today my friend in all knowledge and wonder of Him. Have a good day.

For the Lord is the one who shaped the mountains,
      stirs up the winds, and reveals his thoughts to mankind.
  He turns the light of dawn into darkness
      and treads on the heights of the earth.
      The Lord God of Heaven’s Armies is his name!
Amos 4:13

Look closely at the actions of the Lord in this verse and you will see a common element. We know our God is one who brings order out of chaos, and He brings peace and calm to a stormy sea. Our Lord is one who is great and powerful, and there is still so much more to Him. Here we see him described as the one who made the mountains, stirs the wind, brings out the night sky, and is higher than all things. 

What we can see from this passage is that the Lord has a very different nature than what we usually imagine. We may think the ground is always level, but he creates mountains where we could never imagine. He brings out the power of the wind to stir up the earth and the creation. He is great and mighty over all creation and over all of our lives. 

The context of this message is in the midst of God’s judgment on the people for not following Him. This is where the Lord brings us during the times when he needs to deal with us on our sin. He brings us before Himself the maker of heaven. It has been said he died on a cross of wood, but made the hill on which it stood. We face a living God who is great and mighty and also the savior of our souls. Praise Him!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Deuteronomy 2:7

I hope you had a good weekend. Ours was busy as we went out and bought a new car. We needed one that was a little bigger for our little Avery and all her travel gear. Now we just need to get our other one sold. I look forward to the summer ahead for it will be a busy one.  Be blessed my friend.

For the Lord your God has blessed you in everything you have done. He has watched your every step through this great wilderness. During these forty years, the Lord your God has been with you, and you have lacked nothing.”’

Deuteronomy 2:7

Many times when I think of wandering in the wilderness I imagine being alone in the vast space of nothing. You go from place to place seeking some kind of purpose or reason but just find yourself staring at the same old rocks and sand. It is easy to feel like even the Lord has abandoned you. This is never the case, as the Lord is even with you in the wilderness. 

While Israel was wandering those forty years, I am sure there was times when they felt alone or at a loss. Mostly they felt they had missed their one chance to do the Lord’s command so they would perish. Though they did die while wandering, the Lord always gave them a way to come to Him. Through the sacrifices and festivals the people were given every opportunity to be redeemed. The Lord will never leave His people in the wilderness without Himself following behind. 

Our Rock, Jesus Christ was with the people in the wilderness just as he is with us in our own desert. When we feel at a loss and like we are searching the desert for some hope, He is there as our Hope and our refuge, taking care of our every step. Remember this passage when it comes to your own life, for the Lord is with you so that you will lack nothing. 

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Luke 17:7-10

Spring rain comes often around here, sometimes fast and furious leaving behind a large puddle in my front driveway. Anyway I hope you are doing well and are blessed this weekend my friend. Today's verse is one of those I found during my daily readings that I thought stood out to me. 

Luke 17:7-10

Our entire lives are built upon a foundation of doing good works and deeds to seek praise and admiration. Human nature loves to have great applause and points earned. All of our entertainment is built on getting the points, making the grade, and earning some sort of favor. Unfortunately this all carries over into our walk as Christians. 

You will often hear the term “brownie points” when it comes to trying to win God’s favor by doing good. You might think that you are better than other brothers and sisters because you pray more, worship more, and serve more than others. The Lord shows us that this is now how it should be done. What you do for the Lord, you do as servants to him, fulfilling a duty as good workers to the King.
I became obvious after not to long that we needed a bigger car for all of Miss Avery's travel gear. Of course it takes time to find the right one. We went on a search yesterday and found one that fits us perfectly. After all the car shopping daddy was hungry so we decided to take a ride to a resturant that we had a gift card to, we had the card for a couple years now and had not used it yet. On the way through one intersection near a part daddy spotted a mother duck leading her ducklings right through one of the busiest intersections in the city. Mommy had daddy turn around and right when i was going to get out and help the ducks cross the road, out of nowhere someone else was already doing it. We think it must have been an angel who out of no thought to himself being in the middle of a busy road, got out of his car and helped lead the ducks to saftey on the other side of the road. What a crazy day that was, but pretty neat and worth remembering. Little Avery was sleeping during the time, but im sure she would have been glad we made sure the duckies were safe.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Avery and daddy had their first night alone without mommy Tuesday. Holly had to go out of town for work so we got to experince some bonding time. Of course we both missed mommy very much as you can expect. It is hard when you love someone so intensly to be apart from them, even for just a little while. I imagine that is a sign of love itself. Just like I miss Avery all day long while at work and all i can do is think about seeing her when i get home along with my wife. The Lord is good, let all the earth praise Him for all He has done. But we did survive without mommy, it was hard but we made it. Anyway it is good to have her home.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Genesis 15:12-14

May is almost over and we close in on the summer already. Hard to believe. But we push forward longing for the return of our Lord as it gets closer. Thank you for remember us in your prayers. I pray also that you be blessed and enjoy the peace of Jesus today. It’s good to praise Him.

Now when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and behold, horror and great darkness fell upon him. Then He said to Abram: “Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict those four hundred years. And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great possessions. Now as for you, you shall go to your fathers in peace; you shall be buried at a good old age. But in the fourth generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.”

Genesis 15:12-14

The Bible says that the Lord does nothing without first revealing it to his prophets. This being the case we explore the Word as one great mystery which slowing reveals itself as you read it and time goes on. God’s promises to His people are sure and will always come be fulfilled, we see this in the case of God’s covenant made with Abraham.

Our Lord knows the end from the beginning. He knew when you would be born, what you would do with your life, and how you would be remembered, before the world was even created. He spoke to Abraham and told him that his descendants would be captive in Egypt for four hundred years. This prophetic message was carried down through the generations so you can imagine around the time of Moses there would have been great paranoia for the pharaoh. The chosen people would be expecting to be saved from their bondage.

The Father knows all things and can see your life in its fullness. He is never surprised by any event that takes place, but is ready for all things that come. Such promises God gives to Israel and all His people should comfort us in our days. When it seems like sometimes He is a long way off, you can know certainly that He is close and is walking with you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Colossians 4:11-18

Colossians has been a great book of study, I will be praying to see where the Lord wants to take us next. In my own quest to read through the Bible I have gotten to the end of Galatians now after a few months of reading. Sitting down and getting a whole grasp of the Word is amazing, and it only fuels my desire to study it more. I pray this flame also will grow in your hearts as you seek Him in His Word. Thank you for your prayers. Pray for Holly, she is sick and has a trip she has to take today for work. Be blessed my friend in all things.

And Jesus who is called Justus. These are my only fellow workers for the kingdom of God who are of the circumcision; they have proved to be a comfort to me. Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. For I bear him witness that he has a great zeal for you, and those who are in Laodicea, and those in Hierapolis. Luke the beloved physician and Demas greet you. Greet the brethren who are in Laodicea, and Nymphas and the church that is in his house. 
Now when this epistle is read among you, see that it is read also in the church of the Laodiceans, and that you likewise read the epistle from Laodicea. And say to Archippus, “Take heed to the ministry which you have received in the Lord, that you may fulfill it.” 
This salutation by my own hand—Paul. Remember my chains. Grace be with you. Amen.

Colossians 4:11-18

Paul closes out the letter with some more final greetings to others who have been a blessing to him in the ministry. Even Luke stands out and here is where we learn his occupation as a doctor. This is the same who also wrote the Gospel and the book of Acts. It was also important to Paul to mention various people in order to bless them and encourage them in their work. 

This letter by Paul was also to be sent to the church of Laodicea which is a sister city to Colossae. In turn there was also a letter which we do not have that was written to that city. By this we know that the words written by Paul are not just for one group, but for all believers including us so that we may know the Lord more and have a growing understanding of who He is and what He has done in our lives. 

Paul writes this letter among others from prison and asks the people remember he is in chains for the gospel. When you remember where he is and see how encouraging he is of others, you really can see his heart for the people. He knew that no matter what suffering he had to face it was all for Christ. Our hearts should be as sold out as Paul’s and willing to go to any length to spread the good news of our Lord.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Colossians 4:7-10

A new week my friend is here and once more we never really like Monday do we. I hope you have a good start to your week and are blessed.

Tychicus, a beloved brother, faithful minister, and fellow servant in the Lord, will tell you all the news about me. I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that he may know your circumstances and comfort your hearts, with Onesimus, a faithful and beloved brother, who is one of you. They will make known to you all things which are happening here. Aristarchus my fellow prisoner greets you, with Mark the cousin of Barnabas about whom you received instructions: if he comes to you, welcome him.

Colossians 4:7-10

We know from other passages that Tychicus was a good friend to Paul while Paul was in prison. He was a faithful servant who like Paul ministered the word and loved Christ. Paul knew that the people he was writing to would want to hear more about how he was doing presently and he trusted Tychicus to encourage them with his present circumstances. He was also to bring back news to Paul on how the church was doing.

The same Onesimus spoken of in the letter to Philemon was also to return with Tychicus. Perhaps this is during the same time that he is returning to his own master to seek forgiveness. Paul makes it clear to remind the church that though he was once a runaway slave, he is now a believer and member of God’s church. Brothers and sisters come from all areas and walks of life, not one should be held in higher honor above another.

Also Paul sends greetings for his fellow prisoner, Aristarchus. We do not know if Paul spent a lot of time bringing the people he was around to Christ, but we can assume that is all he ever did. Paul continually worked at showing all people the love of God and the power of forgiveness. As in the case of Mark who Paul had before rebuked for abandoning him on the first missionary journey (Acts 15:38). Paul instructs the church to welcome him if he comes, and reminds them that Mark is a good teacher. This is a sign of true Christian forgiveness.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Colossians 4:3-6

Avery had her seventh month birthday yesterday! Amazing how quick the time goes by. We praise the Lord for every moment we have. Pray she gets to feeling better, as the rest of us could use the same prayer.

Have a great Sunday my friend.

Meanwhile praying also for us, that God would open to us a door for the word, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in chains, that I may make it manifest, as I ought to speak. Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. 

Colossians 4:3-6

Paul at this time was in prison for his words spoken to the world that Jesus is the Christ; the messiah. We know he wrote this letter during a time when he was in chains and sought the prayers of the saints. He knew that he needed prayer from others to keep going for the Lord uses the intercessors to bring power and strength. 

One thing Paul was sure of was his faith and that the days were only going to get more evil. With that knowledge every minute and hour became precious and every opportunity must be used to speak of Jesus. But we must never come off as judgmental people who are simply banging down our ideas. Let Jesus flow from your heart with your tongue filtered through grace.  

Do not stop ceasing in prayer, beloved, for the Lord hears every word spoken to Him through faith. Pray for church leaders, teachers, anyone who is at work spreading the truth of the Lord to this dying world. Pray with intensity for the hour of darkness is near, and the light of the world shines only as bright as you give yourself over to Him.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Seven months is here already, can that even be possible. Time has just gone by so fast. Seems just like yesterday we were digging our way out of snow drifts and complaining about it being too chilly for our baby girl. Now we are sweating and wishing the lawn would quit growing so fast. Hard to have it both ways. Of course i do perfer any season where the ants are not in command of the kitchen. I would much rather have them gone, but they are a problem everywhere.

Work has been good, just about the same as usual and each day we remind ourselves that all we do must be for the Lord. I think that He is the only way to get through every day, simply by leaning on Him. Inbetween calls i am able to read, so i picked up the Bible back in March and started in Genesis. I just finished up Acts and look forward to Romans and the letters next. It has gone real well and its amazing what comes out at me while i read. The Bible is one of those books that gets bigger the more you read it, because there is so much more to explore and seek out. One of my major road blocks to study had been never sitting down and reading all the way through the entire Bible. I suppose that is about to no longer be a problem! I will be able to start peeling back the books piece by piece and seeking the Spirit to teach me on every matter.

Avery turned seven months old today, i will post a picture here of her and the cupckaes. She has not been feeling too good lately but was happy to have her picture taken once more with those candles. We pulled her out of daycare offically this week until she starts to get better on the long term of things. For now we have different people to watch her on different days. She is getting a lot of good personal attention and care which she needs right now. We love our princess and want her to not have to deal with being sick. She is so beautiful and growing every day. We love to watch her discover new things. Right now she has learned that by sticking her toungue out and blowing she can keep the medicine out of her mouth, so it takes some work to get it in there. Anyhow that is enough for tonight. Must get some sleep now.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Colossians 4:2

Seems everyone in our house is sick again, please pray for Avery, Holly and I to get over all these allergy and other problems. Thank you for your prayers and I hope you have a great weekend.

Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving 

Colossians 4:2

One our most difficult tasks as believers is to have a devotional prayer life that is alert and focused. If you have had any experience with trying to spend time quiet and with the Lord, then you know how many distractions can interfere. I believe this is based on our minds ability to constantly process information and plan. While we sit to pray, all we can think about is what we want for lunch or how much time we have left before we need to be somewhere else. 

Our Lord demonstrated that the solution to a good prayer life is to practice a habit of making time for the Father. Jesus went into a quiet place most often in the morning or while it was dark because there would be less distractions from the crowds. It was in those prayer times we see great things came about. The disciples were chosen after prayer, blessings were given, and our salvation was secured through his times of prayer. 

Thank the Lord that you have the open door to prayer. Imagine the reality of a twenty four hour, seven day a week, unlimited access to the Creator of the Universe. That is difficult to grab hold of for us, but it is still true. The Lord is anxious to hear from us and as weak as our bodies are, the spirit inside of us must be stronger. Devote yourself to prayer, and to getting together with Him.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Colossians 4:1

Hope you all had a good weekend. We bought Avery a backpack carrier so she can ride on my shoulders while we take walks. She loves it. She is doing well, just still dealing with ear infections and the like, so keep praying. Thank you for all those prayers.

Masters, give your bond servants what is just and fair, knowing that you also have a Master in heaven. 

Colossians 4:1

Paul reminds us of an important truth when it comes to roles and authorities. You may have control and power over some people, any group even that of a father over the household. No matter what manner of leadership you have there is always going to be someone over you. 

Our Lord taught the twelve many times about the order of command and rule. Those who want to be leaders must be servants, and the greatest will be the least. He turned the tables around on our social agendas and outlook. Now we have to start doing for others with love and grace, as we would expect God wants us to. Our Lord came to serve in order to show us what true servants look like. 

All of us have masters and students. We have those who are bosses, and those who look up to us for wisdom and knowledge. Remember no matter what we have, there is always the Lord in Heaven who is Master of all. He is the great and awesome Lord who though he has command over all things, came down to be one of us and to serve even to the point of death for our sins.

Our first mothers day with Avery was on Sunday and it was a wonderful day. We actually started celebrating on Saturday with flowers and an evening at a nice resturant. Then in the morning on Sunday we Avery gave mommy pancakes in bed and a cookbook written by Michael W Smith's mom. In the afternoon we went to the park and had a picnic with all the family which was a lot of fun. Then during the cooler part of the evening we walked to grandma's in Avery's new backpack carrier. She likes it alot since she can look out and see everything eye to eye. Its a great thing to have. Avery enjoyed her first mothers day!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Colossians 3:22-25

Mother’s day is just about here! I thank the Lord for the blessings he has given us with little Avery. She gets to enjoy spending her mommy's day with her mommy. Should be a good weekend, hope we can keep the rain clouds away for a while at least. You have a good weekend my friend!

Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eye-service, as men-pleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ. But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.

Colossians 3:22-25

Slaves and masters were very common relationships back in the days of Paul. The Roman Empire had more slaves than it did freemen at one time. Paul knew that it was good to touch on the important for servants to be obedient, even though they are followers also of Christ. As servants of Christ we have much greater a call to be men and women of integrity and stewardship.

In our jobs and throughout our lives we run into master and servant relations. We have duty and responsibility in the workplace to do our tasks with a whole heart and with an attitude that is like Christ. Paul devoted his entire life to the service of the Lord knowing that all he did was for Jesus overall.

We can easily forget who we are serving, or can simply be giving our devotion to the wrong masters as well. Paul gives the command for us to do all things as if doing them for the Lord. As it is in all relationships between husbands, wives, children, and citizens of the community and workforce, we are to be doing all things for the Lord.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Colossians 3:21

Will the rain ever stop?! It’s been coming down all week long, but that is okay because by mid-summer we will have long forgotten what rain is. Seems like it anyway. We push on ahead and enjoy what is to come. Hard to believe we have been in this house almost a year now. Time goes so fast. , as does the excitement of having a large yard! Anyway on to the message for today.

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.
Colossians 3:21

A child’s spirit is a beautiful thing to watch as it learns and grows. Children have an amazing way of showing you what joy and laughter feel like again. Their innocence can get them in trouble at times, because after all they are still little people and have all the ability to disobey as adults do. So it is easy for us as adults to forget, they are still children. 

Discouraging a child would have to be one of the greatest mistakes a parent can make, and I am sure I have that lesson coming down the road several hundred times. They have such a unique personality that defines them, and will seek out ways of making it known. Of course we cannot avoid discipline, but that is now what this is about. This is a message to us as parents to not lead our children into sin, into anger, or into feeling like they failed. 

It can be difficult to handle such a delicate spirit of a child, since often our reactions and attitudes give us away before we have a chance to think .The Lord put children into the lives of a parent for the reason of learning and teaching, of leading and loving. We are to shepherd the little ones, but also let them learn to grow by experience and encouragement.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Avery is excited that spring is here and that means plenty of flowers to enjoy. If you look close you might be able to see the two little bottom teeth she has now!
I love music and songs. Of course i have the singing talent of a cat in a dryer, but still. There has always been a excitment about words in song. The Psalms are of course filled with songs, as is the whole Bible. When you read it you can see that music was always a major theme throughout the days of Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus. Who knows, maybe Jesus had a great singing voice. I probably sounded closer to Peter, mostly just loud. But music is used in worship and praise. It is also used to just lift us up and make us feel good. It can be used to teach, it can be used to bring six month olds to a smile. It can also express the deep passions of the heart to those you love, like to my beautiful wife.

We listen to music in the morning on the way to work, and we may hum it in our heads during the day. It is a major part of our day. I guess that is why its so common in movies to carry the story along. I think that when I get to heaven there will be a lot of music and dancing. I love dancing too. Dancing with the Stars on Abc is one of our favorites right now. It has both music and dancing so of course that is a lot of fun. Its going to be sad to see Billy Ray go home tonight, I am just hoping he doesnt, but the judges havent been very nice to him. The show is fun to watch though.

Well i better get going, we have some errands to run this afternoon. So i best be getting off now.

Colossians 3:20

Psalty the singing songbook was on my mind today. I guess after listening to Avery's toy sing the alphabet song for the 20th time i remembered one of the old children's songs i learned from Psalty. It was about hiding God's word in our heart using verses of the Bible. The song is great and I plan on teaching it to Avery. I put the words at the end of this email. Hope you are doing well my friend.

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.
Colossians 3:20

Paul uses this same verse in Ephesians and there notes this is the first commandment with a promise attached. When you obey your parents, you will live a long good life. With age and years comes great wisdom and understanding, along with many lessons for life. Parents begin as children and throughout making their own choices and taking different  paths become who they are. Learning from them is one of the most important thing for a child to do, and even more important honoring what they say and who they are. 

With this command comes great responsibility on the part of the parent. Suddenly they are the teacher and leader of the children. You become the model of how life should be lived and how we should behave. Children watch your actions, listen to your words, and know more about you then you would ever like them to. So expect children to be paying attention even when you don’t realize it. 

As children of parents we are to understand our parents have greater wisdom then us in all things. We are to honor them in the same way a wife is to honor her husband, for who they are. It pleases the Lord to do such things, and is the Christian way. By obeying your parents you are pleasing your King. This is the greatest reason to do anything. 

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Avery along with her mommy and daddy went to see some sea life yesterday. She had a great time and enjoyed herself. Of course when she is a very happy baby almost all the time too.

We are back into summer time and back into green growing grass that i get to mow. Im not a big fan of mowing the lawn, and next time i get a new house its going to have a smaller lawn.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Colossians 3:19

Nothing like a good Christian concert to wrap up the National Day of Prayer. What a reminder of the praise and worship we are to give our King every day. He is good and it is also good to see those around us giving their hearts to Him. As someone pointed out, it is days like this that bring out the hearts of people and you really can look around you to see who else is following the Lord along with you. Be blessed my friend.

Husbands, love wives, and be not bitter against them.

Colossians 3:19

After Paul goes at it with a verse about how wives should act toward husbands, he then turns the table around for the men. Husbands you should take careful thought to what is r now being told you, for it is a command from the Lord. What kind of love is this that Paul talks of though? It is actually a Greek word which gets confused with the divine love of God. The word is really referring to being completely sold out to something or devoted to a purpose or thing. This same word is used in the way that men loved the best seats in the synagogue. 

Now with the kind of love we are talking of here there is a choice. This is the kind of attitude that men are to have with their wives in which they put themselves aside in order to bring out the best in their wife. So husbands are to put their own desires and thoughts aside when it comes to loving. There is also the second part to this verse in that we should not be bitter with our wives.

When it comes to this passage on loving your wife it can actually take on a couple thoughts. First do not treat your wife in a way which would cause her to be upset or grieve. Any husband knows what it means to be able to use words as weapons and knowing what buttons to push. Never be out to cause frustration, for doing so causes strife and that is not a good direction to take your marriage. So then husbands should love their wives with all willingness to support and uplift them to be the women God created.

Day of Prayer vs Father's Day

I always find this day kind of amusing, as if first the rest of the non Christian world is going to pay attention to this day and care. Secondly we are supposed to pray every day since that would be how we maintain relationship with our Lord. Actually if I had to compare it to a non-religious holiday I would have to say it is a lot like valentines day. 

One day out of the year in February all the people in a close relationship with a person they love dearly spends all they can to show that love. Same thing happens on Mother's day, or Father's day to really. We take just one day out of the year to tell one person how we feel about them. Maybe that is what we do on the Day of Prayer then. We tell our Lord how we are and how we feel. 

As a new father, I for one would like my daughter to treat just about every day like fathers day. Or at least give me some sign of her love. I think that the Lord would like that as well for every day of our lives. I am not trying to pick on the Day of prayer, I think it is a good time for us to focus in on our Lord and on National prayer. But it is also a good time for me to realize how much more I need to spend every day in prayer. Anyway those are just my thoughts for the day. Please keep on praying and never cease. 


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Its a new month and finally i can tell its different weather! Can this be? Is it really 80 outside? Of course there is rain, but hey that has its place anyway. I dont mind the clouds blocking some of the sunlight. Avery likes her little rain jacket we put over her carseat while getting her to and from indoors.

May has always been one of those months where you look forward to the end of the school year; or maybe not for some. But we do know that summer is about here and that is always good. We spend more time enjoying the creation, feeling the warm sun on our face, jumping into a cool lake or pool, or even enjoy river rafting.

Mothers day is almost here as well and you know that means Avery will have to get something nice for mommy. What shall we do, not quite sure yet still working on it. Or am i, not sure i can say since i know Holly will be reading this.

While i sit here typing away i do wish i could get on more often, but sometimes this blog doesnt let me log on so i can be a trial. Our website is coming along well, though with work and life its hard to keep up with it. But look forward to what God will do. Thats good for now, off to enjoy my baby.

Colossians 3:18

Morning my friend. I hope you are doing well. We are enjoying the warmer weather that we are finally getting around here. Also the rain is helping the flowers we planted grow. It’s always nice to see the season change. Have a good day my friend.

Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord.

Colossians 3:18

Apostle Paul knew a great deal about military ranks and positions, as he lived in the time during the Roman rule. He uses the word submit here which is a military word that means to come under the authority of another. This is used for generals, privates, and the like. Here it is used an imperative command for wives which is for their own personal benefit to follow. There are several things this verse says, and even more things that it does not say but people seem to believe anyway. 

Wives first of all are to be willing to come under the leadership of their own husband that God has given her. This verse is not saying all women should submit to all men. Only the wife and the husband are to have this relationship. This submission is not based on aptitude or strength, but on respect for who the husband is in the family. Just like we submit to higher powers of government like police officers, even if we don’t like the person we are still respecting the title. 

Paul gives wives the motive to why they should submit. Submission is something that pleases the Lord. It is coming under the mission of being a wife, under the authority of your husband. First of all your husband is not God, nor should that be his reason for you to submit. Secondly you may not always agree with your husband, and still are to submit yourself. Wives are to submit to their husbands as part of the duty as Christian servants. Your motive is out of your love for your Lord. This is why while looking for a husband you should keep in mind you will want to find a man you can respect and honor.