Friday, April 08, 2011

Back to the changing table...

Arrived back in good old Oklahoma the day before last, and just now getting around to updating the blog. Seems like as soon as we got back we get thrust back into the crazy busy life that goes about with being a stay at home dad. Only wish i was blessed with a bit more organizational ability. Title of this blog is 'back to the changing table' which has a double meaning actually. First we are literally back to the house and back to our changing tables. The not so literal is the obvious level of constant change going on around here. Tommrow our twins will turn 8 months old! Hard to believe how fast the time goes, leaves us wishing we could just take some slower peeks back, freeze frame some of it, and perhaps delete a few moments. But mostly we just savor what we can each day. Because as Rapunzel says, 'THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER'. Why is that anyway, because today is today. There is no planning ahead, no reflecting on yesterday, just going ahead with now. Avery had a blast at her first adventure to Disneyland. She had no fear on any of the rollar coasters, and she did try them all. Splash mountian was closed and she was too short forIndiana Jones, but otherwise she pretty much did everything else with her arms up in the air screaming for excitment. Aunt Diane, mommy, and daddy enjoyed watching her little eyes light up with excitment. Not only did she enjoy the rides, she got to meet all her princesses. Cinderella, Sleeping beauty, Snow white, Tinkerbell, Rapunzel, Peter Pan, Mikey, Minnie, and enjoyed everything. Of course it took two hours to see Rapunzel, Avery was a tad bit shy, but it was a great visit. Disneyland is truly the land where dreams come true. Disney brought back many fond memories for me and Holly as well since we spent several great trips there when we were dating. Always a cherished place to have fun and forget all of the stresses in life.

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