Saturday, September 20, 2014

Review of “Understanding eating disorders”

One of the major disorders known in Psychology today deals with eating and the problems people have with eating to much or too little. The article from Psychology for Living by Vicki K. Harvey deals with this issue. The article is called “Understanding eating disorders” and goes into a discussion about anorexia and bulimia. Both of these disorders greatly influence the world we live in.
            The purpose of the article is to get a better understanding on eating disorders, to find their cause, and know what to do about them. The author gives an example of a fictional girl who developed a disorder and shows how it affected her life. The disorders affect the person both physically as well as emotionally and can take years to get away from. The cause usually comes from girls or guys who are insecure about the way they look and feel they must do something to look better. The author explains the best approach to this disorder is to be very careful and open to the one who is suffering from the disorder.
            As one who is about to go into the ministry full time this article is giving me a better understanding into a disorder I will come across often. It is important that we not ignore the existence of these bad food habits of many young teenagers who are in need of support and help. Loving them and knowing how to treat them is a vital part of to helping them get through the period of their lives that is causing them pain. I have known and do know people who have experienced this disorder in their lives and I feel it is good to know more about it so I can understand what they went or are going through.
            The article made a lot of good points in the area of eating disorders. The author describes the world of an anorexic or bulimic as hellish which helps to better see how horrible it really is to go through. They also remind us that millions of people suffer from the disorders and many of them have been women; men are beginning to show up more as well with symptoms. Most of the time girls will start to compare themselves to super models and try to make themselves look thin. A lot of the time girls who are already skinny still think they need to lose weight and this can be devastating and highly dangerous for them. These disorders must not be ignored or taken lightly. People who have them already feel bad about it and do not want anyone else to know they have the problem. It is always best to be concerned and open with the person who is suffering so you do not push them away.

            In this world it is important that we do not overlook people who are suffering from eating disorders. It is also important that we know how to deal with those who have problems eating that have deep rooted reasons. All in all anorexia and bulimia are very serious disorders and must be taken seriously and handled carefully. 

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