Saturday, January 16, 2010

Incredibly my online blog has become just about as scarce as my written journal. I have lately been doing better with my journal, only since learning how important it is to keep. My journals from 13 years have made it out of the dusty closet and into the hope chest. I am reading them to gain insight and understanding of what the Lord has been doing with my life. Its pretty fun actually going back and reading things from when I was in high school. I wrote a lot more often then, but had more time to do so I think. December 24th we got several inches of snow which finally melted away a couple days ago. So we have had snow around for a bit which is pretty fun. Don’t care so much to drive on it though, but otherwise good. Work has been keeping me busy, a lot of rushing around doing as much as I can with the time I have. Hopefully this year will be better for the company and in return better for me as well. I would like to keep growing. My Avon needs work too, I think if I put more effort into the task it would result in more, just have to wait and see. 2010 is a newyear and new hope. We have much to prepare for and much to do this year. Putting a fence in my yard is my main goal, so I can enjoy the yard more and enjoy my pool. Funny how putting a fence in would make you feel all the more secure, but I guess its about a boundary line. We are also attempting to have a baby this month which takes a lot of prayer. It is in the Lords hands now at this point, but I have a lot of hope for what is ahead of us. Avery needs a little sister or brother, or both. Either way she is ready. So we press ahead to what is ahead of us and pray each day for the Lord to bring His will and help us to trust in Him more.

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