Sunday, January 09, 2011

Psalm 74:12-23

Psalm 74:12-23

You think you have troubles and hardship in your lifetime, and still none compare to what the Lord has already done in history for His people. Our Bible if nothing else serves as a huge red flag of hope for those drowning in a sea of difficult circumstances. Look at every person in the Scripture and see how the Lord’s deliverance is always the focus. Men and women of both ordinary and noble blood, both rich and poor, all had faith in God Most High and in His Word of Truth.

Remember the well mentioned in the Bible. Really should be plural because there are several wells referenced in both New and Old Testaments. God always seems to deal with people at a well, perhaps because it’s the source of water and water is necessary for life. This well I speak of now is the one Jesus drank from when speaking with the Samaritan woman. She there has knowledge of the ancestors of Israel, and knows of God’s great deeds. She knew Messiah was coming, and Jesus declared Himself to her in that time as the One whom she was seeking. See our God is one who wants us to remember, for in our memories we find truth and hope that does not disappoint.

God will not forget the cry of the helpless, nor the voice of the haughty before the throne. He will have victory for He has conquered all things. He is the one in control of the sunrise, the seasons, the borders of the earth. He who is Creator and sustainer, is also the author and finisher of our faith. So remember what the Lord has done, what He is going to do, and what He is doing now with you. Go to the wellspring of living water which is His Word, in there you will have life abundantly.

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