Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Colossians 1:12

We gave Avery her first mouthful of rice this week, and it came back mostly, but hey at least she’s working toward it. Pray for us as we desire God's wisdom in our lives as to what path we shall take toward the year. Thank you for those prayers and don’t stop praying. Bless you


Joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.

Colossians 1:12

As children of the Lord there is nothing greater than his promises and love for us. We give thanks to Him, and we give it with joy. Both the word ‘qualified’ and ‘inheritance’ have something important in common in this verse. They are both used complete void of any action on our own part.

When Paul uses the word qualified, it is not to be thought of in the same way we most likely would think. This is a position we now hold because we are in Christ and He is in us. To qualify is to be equipped as one with adequate power to perform duties. If we even begin to think we are able to be Christ like on our own, we are mistaken. There is no way we could come close, but it is the Lord who has made us able and equipped us to do His will.

Inheritance may not necessarily be earned, and it really cannot be chosen. No matter whom you are, you cannot decide what family you will be born into. There is no amount of choice on our end as to what we will gain from our parents; it is their responsibility and choice. This is why the inheritance of God’s children is so great. When we become Christians we have the ability to be born again. We are born into the Family of God and with that comes the blessing of all the things he has for us. Think of that! You are born into God’s own family and are His child. We are all qualified by the cross of Christ and we will all share in what the Father has for the Son and the children.

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