Sunday, January 14, 2007

Though no on will probably even believe us we do have a new first as of yesterday evening. Our darling daugther who has been talkative a lot lately, mostly with coos and goos, repeated one small phrase right after i said it yesterday. We were watching TV and it got to a commercial so i began to fast foward. It Smallville and I said "uh-oh" in response to the show. Well a few seconds later we hear our darling daugther who was playing in her pack and play, say "uh-oh" as plain as day. It was the most amazing little thing in the world and she has not really said it since but we are working on it. Of course it will be some time before she has any sermons to preach, but for now at least we have the uh-oh down.

As for the pic of the day we have our darling looking at her froggy and duck which hang on to her car seat for enjoyment. She likes to bat at them and play with them when shes in a good mood. Avery is so adorable and we look forward to hearing what she has to say next.

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