Friday, June 01, 2007

Numbers 11:23

June is here and the rain continues to come down hard. We are working on getting out car sold now that we bought a new one. It is a nice car which is bigger since we need the room now with Avery. This is going to be a busy month, I can already tell. I hope you have a good weekend my friend and be blessed.

And the LORD said to Moses, “Has the LORD’s arm been shortened? Now you shall see whether what I say will happen to you or not.”

Numbers 11:23

A famous painting depicts the Lord God in heaven reaching down to Adam with all of his might. You can see the arm of the Lord stretching out in all fullness toward man, and yet the arm of the man is just leaning out toward God, halfway propped up on his knee. If the man even moved his arm out just a little the Lord would have Him. This shows us just a small piece of the picture we see in this verse. The arm of the Lord is extended out in power, if only man would just turn toward Him. 

Moses was faced with a great struggle during the days of the wilderness wandering. There was so much to be done and he was the leader of so many. I am sure it was a great deal of pressure for Him, as we see that. God promises Moses a great deal and uses the phrase so common to our language. Is the Lord’s arm too short to reach you? No! He is fully able to accomplish the purpose He has for you.

Remember this passage and see if you cannot get a hold of that picture, I believe it was by Michelangelo. It shows the great intensity the Lord God has to reach His arms around us, if only we are willing. Jesus uses the same terms when speaking to Israel and how he wished he could gather his children into his arms like a hen gathers her chicks, if only they were willing. His arms are not too short to get into your life. They were not too short to save you, and they are not too short to hold on to you forever.

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