Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Three weeks and five days ago the Lord brought little Avery into this world. She is getting so much bigger each day and i am pretty sure there is some growth spurting going on here. We place her on her tummy for a nap when we are watching her so she can get a little chance to lift her head a little. We will probably go down to the store and get some more stuff for her to lay on and sit in.

Holly and i have noticed so much has changed in just the last few weeks. We are changing in so many ways and that is good. It makes us realize the importance of keeping our own relationship strong and the need to go out on a occassional date. So far we have had two nights out leaving Avery with grandma. Of course that is very hard to do and all we do is talk about her while we are off.

I also realized the other day that i need to discuss things with my wife before anything else in the way of asking people if they want to watch Avery. Also this will be important in the years ahead as we need to be on the same page when it comes to teaching our daugther right from wrong and disciplining her accordingly. Of course for the moment she is a new born so there is not much for us to teach her other then show her how much we love her every moment of the day.

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