Thursday, October 26, 2006

The joy of being a daddy means i have a new life to take care of and someone new who is completly dependent on me for her wellbeing. It is an amazing thing to watch her grow even hour by hour. She passed her first doctor appt today with flying colors. (Ever notice that in the story of Noah and the Ark he was the first ever to really get through with flying colors in the sense of the rainbow in the sky). Maybe i have been up to much, actually we are trying the shift thing out as much as possible and keeping Avery close and watching her sleep. She is so adorable. I look forward to the days ahead as i press on to be the best daddy and husband i can be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With that attitude and insight, you will not fail. God is giving you all the striength and knowlege you will need.
Love, Prayers and Blessings
Avery's Online Grandparents