Sunday, September 09, 2007

Psalm 8:2

It’s quiet around here without my girls! Lonely too for that matter. I miss them so much. At least I know they are having fun at Disney world today, along with Holly's mom. It’s great that they could go and get some time together. As for me, the house is spotless, except I still need to work on the bathroom. And it’s been raining too much to do yard work, so perhaps it will dry out today. Anyway hope all is well with you my friend.

From the lips of children and infants
      you have ordained praise
      because of your enemies,
      to silence the foe and the avenger.
Psalm 8:2

What would we consider an enemy of God and of our lives in this age? Certainly there are a lot of cultural foes out there that are constantly attacking our morals and beliefs. There are people groups which seek to change our freedom and turn it into bondage. Of course there is the supernatural darkness which is going against us every day. Each new generation faces these, but it is the children of our time that have the greatest challenge.

As a parent, every day I am realizing more and more that my task is to teach my child all I can about the Lord and the Word. Even non parents have this obligation because we must leave something for our children that gives them hope and opportunity in the future. A danger in the “me” culture we live in, is that children are cast aside when selfish people only care about their own future.

Our children need to hear about the great things the Lord has done and is doing. He gave us great freedom in this country, our grave yards are full of crosses to remind us of the faith that founded this very nation. Every one of us can leave an inheritance to our children. But more importantly we want to leave them with a heritage. I will teach my own little one to praise the Lord!

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