Sunday, September 16, 2012

Children a gift from the Lord

You feel the freshest after a long day the moment you step into a shower. At least that is how I felt after working a long day at Lowe’s Saturday. It is not that working as a cashier is particularly exhausting or even that difficult. I would say it might be the easiest job anyone could do as long as you can stand up for a long period of time and be fairly happy to see every new customer who comes across your line. Been a while since I have been able to make it to a Church meeting, not because of my own desire, it simply has worked better with my family time. On the weekends since I work 16 hours, the morning and evening are about the only quality time I get with my wife and kids all at once. This evening however I got home and decided I really needed to head to the worship service and see what the Lord had for me. “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1 Soon as I walked through the door a fresh shower of peace and joy fell upon me in that place. Same worship songs, same cookies on the welcome table, all of the same and yet so amazing too. During worship our littlest Miss Erin couldn’t be contained in the kids rooms any longer and just had to come out and join in the fun. So with my darling on my lap and my wife by my side we prepared ourselves for the sermon message, a intro to his new series on parenting. Without going into all the points and giving you a complete listing of what the Pastor spoke about, I will say it was just what I needed to hear in the moment. Children are indeed a gift from the Lord, a special blessing. We are called as parents to know the Word and parent by the Word to our children. As a husband who stays at home already with his kids, I feel the weight of this responsibility greatly. “Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him.” Psalm 127:3 Cedar Point is our church home and a great blessing to our lives. I am thankful for the ability we have been given to give our children a firm foundation of faith in which to withstand the crashing waves and furious storms of life. The more I build on their knowledge and the Word the stronger they will be as adults when they face trials and difficulties. Knowing God’s Word does not make us perfect, but it gives us principles we need to parent successfully. It’s a challenge this thing called parenting, a journey for life. Storms do not bring down a house that is built on a solid foundation. So pushing ahead with not only my own kids but also those who are in Doodle Bug daycare, I must pray for the Lord to give me wisdom and discernment as we push ahead into tomorrow.

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